ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cartopy'
!pip install cartopy
I am working through the tutorial on this webpage here in a Jupyter notebook on a Mac: https://towardsdatascience.com/kriging-the-french-temperatures-f0389ca908dd. Near the end of the exercise, I need to install the cartopy package. However, I get the error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cartopy'
I've tried to directly install it by writing:
!pip install cartopy
but the same error appears. Reading through a few pages on Stackoverflow and Github suggest there is a conflict with the virtual environments and that this can not be installed with pip, but it has to be conda.
I'm fairly comfortable with Python, but the concept of virtual environments and pip vs. conda is completely foreign to me. Could someone help me solve this problem, but also explain why I'm unable to just pip install this package?
Thank you!
您需要使用和理解虚拟环境。 PIP和CONDA都是为此的工具。通常,将首选Conda,对于将安装诸如GDAL()。本质上,像Conda这样的环境经理可以帮助您在计算机上使用不同版本的软件包保留多个环境。
conda env create -f emoveration.yml
You need to use and understand virtual environments. pip and conda are both tools for this. Generally conda is preferred for cartopy as is will install non-Python tools like GDAL (cartopy installation docs). Essentially, an environment manager like conda helps you keep multiple environments on your computer with differing versions of packages.
Read about environment management with conda here
For your specific case, you need to:
conda env create -f environment.yml
(See this SO answer)conda activate mapmaker
conda is a versatile tool. I recommend reading their docs and searching for some tutorials on using conda for environment management