void Update() {
force = speed *2;
RaycastHit hit;
Ray downRay = new Ray(transform.position, -Vector3.up);
if (Physics.Raycast(downRay, out hit, dangerZone)) {
var distanceToGround = hit.distance;
float hazardMultiplier = Mathf.Round( (transform.position.y - distanceToGround)*100 ) /100;
if (hit.collider.tag == "Terrain") {
playerData.scoreMulitplier = hazardMultiplier;
else {
playerData.scoreMulitplier = playerData.baseScoreMulitplier;
I have a 3D side scroller style game in which the player flies along avoiding stuff, you know, side-scrollery things.
I'd like to add an effect (particle system) to the player when they get close (within a preset dangerZone, say 1.6 units (meters)) to the terrain, like a dusty dragging cloud under them sort of thing. I'm familiar with the particle system and raycasts but I don't know how to marry the concepts together to achieve what I'm after. The terrain undulates randomly and is not a flat surface, if that helps.
I'd also be hoping to make the particle system 'grow' the closer the player gets to the terrain if that makes sense. There is also speed to consider, so the closer to the ground and faster the player is should have an effect on the particle system.
My Thoughts:
I already have a score multiplier that uses a raycast to check the player's position from the ground/terrain and increases the closer they get.
void Update() {
force = speed *2;
RaycastHit hit;
Ray downRay = new Ray(transform.position, -Vector3.up);
if (Physics.Raycast(downRay, out hit, dangerZone)) {
var distanceToGround = hit.distance;
float hazardMultiplier = Mathf.Round( (transform.position.y - distanceToGround)*100 ) /100;
if (hit.collider.tag == "Terrain") {
playerData.scoreMulitplier = hazardMultiplier;
else {
playerData.scoreMulitplier = playerData.baseScoreMulitplier;
I'm thinking I can use the raycast I already have to instantiate a particle system on the terrain/at the raycast hit point but I'm not sure how exactly to go about this.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
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您可以将粒子系统的缩放模式设置为层次结构,并使用转换进行缩放。另外,您可以设置 preshitlesystem的主要属性。。由于您想更改颗粒系统的大小以相当频繁地更改,因此我建议将缩放模式更改为层次结构,并仅修改其附加到的对象的变换。
You're on the right track. A couple things first before we dive into the solution:
Raycasts are calculated on the fixed frame (physics, FixedUpdate), not the visual frame (Update). While you may invoke a Raycast during Update, it won't be calculated until the next FixedFrame anyways. I'd recommend moving this to FixedUpdate to reduce the chance of doubled logic (2 simultaneous raycasts) or skipped logic (no raycasts).
You can set your particle system's scaling mode to the hierarchy, and scale using the transform. Alternatively, you can set the startSize of the particleSystem's main attributes.. Since you want to change the size of the particleSystem to change fairly frequently, I would recommend changing the scaling mode to hierarchy and just modifying the transform of the object it is attached to.