Postgres SQL查询有时需要超过一分钟才能从大表中加载数据

发布于 2025-01-29 22:21:31 字数 12062 浏览 4 评论 0 原文

我有一个带有相当大的事件表的Postgres数据库,该表的平均查询时间在两个日期之间查询数据时 1秒,但有时相同的查询需要超过 1分钟完成执行。



    id bigserial NOT NULL,
    "eventId" int4 NOT NULL,
    severity varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    "eventSrc" uuid NULL,
    "eventSrcType" varchar(255) NULL,
    "eventContext" json NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::json,
    "data" jsonb NOT NULL,
    "eventTimestamp" timestamptz NULL,
    "createdAt" timestamptz NOT NULL,
    "updatedAt" timestamptz NOT NULL,
    "deletedAt" timestamptz NULL,
    "organizationId" uuid NULL,
    "hierarchyId" uuid NULL,
    "eventUser" uuid NULL,
    CONSTRAINT events_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT "events_eventId_eventIds_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("eventId") REFERENCES public."eventIds"("eventId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_eventSrcType_eventSourceTypes_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("eventSrcType") REFERENCES public."eventSourceTypes"("srcType") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_eventUser_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("eventUser") REFERENCES public.users(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_hierarchyId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("hierarchyId") REFERENCES public.hierarchies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_organizationId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("organizationId") REFERENCES public.hierarchies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX events_organizationid_idx ON USING btree ("organizationId", "eventTimestamp", "eventId");



    "device"."id" as "",
    "device"."info" as "",
    "device"."hierarchyId" as "device.hierarchyId",
    "device"."organizationId" as "device.organizationId",
    "device"."serialNo" as "device.serialNo",
    "device"."createdAt" as "device.createdAt",
    "device"."updatedAt" as "device.updatedAt",
    "device"."deletedAt" as "device.deletedAt",
    "eventSource"."id" as "",
    "eventSource"."sourceId" as "eventSource.sourceId",
    "eventSource"."sourceType" as "eventSource.sourceType",
    "eventSource"."name" as "",
    "eventSource"."createdAt" as "eventSource.createdAt",
    "eventSource"."updatedAt" as "eventSource.updatedAt",
    "eventSource"."deletedAt" as "eventSource.deletedAt",
    "user"."id" as "",
    "user"."title" as "user.title",
    "user"."firstName" as "user.firstName",
    "user"."middleName" as "user.middleName",
    "user"."lastName" as "user.lastName",
    "user"."email" as "",
    "user"."organizationId" as "user.organizationId",
    "user"."createdAt" as "user.createdAt",
    "user"."updatedAt" as "user.updatedAt",
    "user"."deletedAt" as "user.deletedAt",
    "eventConfig"."id" as "",
    "eventConfig"."eventId" as "eventConfig.eventId",
    "eventConfig"."name" as "",
    "eventConfig"."description" as "eventConfig.description",
    "eventConfig"."severity" as "eventConfig.severity",
    "eventConfig"."sourceType" as "eventConfig.sourceType",
    "eventConfig"."isDisabled" as "eventConfig.isDisabled",
    "eventConfig"."category" as "eventConfig.category",
    "eventConfig"."content" as "eventConfig.content",
    "eventConfig"."clearingEvent" as "eventConfig.clearingEvent",
    "eventConfig"."createdAt" as "eventConfig.createdAt",
    "eventConfig"."updatedAt" as "eventConfig.updatedAt",
    "eventConfig"."deletedAt" as "eventConfig.deletedAt",
    "organisation"."id" as "",
    "organisation"."shortName" as "organisation.shortName",
    "hierarchy"."id" as "",
    "hierarchy"."shortName" as "hierarchy.shortName"
    "events" as "events"
left outer join "devices" as "device" on
    "events"."eventSrc" = "device"."id"
    and ("device"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "device"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "eventSources" as "eventSource" on
    "events"."eventSrc" = "eventSource"."id"
    and ("eventSource"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "eventSource"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "users" as "user" on
    "events"."eventSrc" = "user"."id"
    and ("user"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "user"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "eventIds" as "eventConfig" on
    "events"."eventId" = "eventConfig"."eventId"
    and ("eventConfig"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "eventConfig"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "hierarchies" as "organisation" on
    "events"."organizationId" = "organisation"."id"
    and ("organisation"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "organisation"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "hierarchies" as "hierarchy" on
    "events"."hierarchyId" = "hierarchy"."id"
    and ("hierarchy"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "hierarchy"."deletedAt" is null)
    (("events"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "events"."deletedAt" is null)
    and ("events"."eventTimestamp" between '2022-05-20 09:02:33.651 +00:00' and '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        and "events"."isAudit" = false))
order by
    "events"."eventTimestamp" desc
limit 1000 offset 0;


Limit  (cost=63638.49..63638.50 rows=1 width=2187) (actual time=3426.527..3426.738 rows=1000 loops=1)
  Buffers: shared hit=1573900 read=21
  I/O Timings: read=169.648
  ->  Sort  (cost=63638.49..63638.50 rows=1 width=2187) (actual time=3426.526..3426.626 rows=1000 loops=1)
        Sort Key: events."eventTimestamp" DESC
        Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 3240kB
        Buffers: shared hit=1573900 read=21
        I/O Timings: read=169.648
        ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63638.48 rows=1 width=2187) (actual time=0.234..3393.467 rows=21983 loops=1)
              Join Filter: (events."hierarchyId" =
              Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1596748
              Buffers: shared hit=1573900 read=21
              I/O Timings: read=169.648
              ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63581.43 rows=1 width=2161) (actual time=0.192..2625.353 rows=21983 loops=1)
                    Join Filter: (events."organizationId" =
                    Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1776812
                    Buffers: shared hit=1372822 read=21
                    I/O Timings: read=169.648
                    ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63524.39 rows=1 width=2135) (actual time=0.168..1787.853 rows=21983 loops=1)
                          Join Filter: (events."eventId" = "eventConfig"."eventId")
                          Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1231462
                          Buffers: shared hit=1145413 read=21
                          I/O Timings: read=169.648
                          ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63516.20 rows=1 width=1997) (actual time=0.142..1353.144 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                Join Filter: (events."eventSrc" = "user".id)
                                Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1033201
                                Buffers: shared hit=1105304 read=21
                                I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63470.54 rows=1 width=1903) (actual time=0.085..663.925 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                      Join Filter: (events."eventSrc" = "eventSource".id)
                                      Buffers: shared hit=138052 read=21
                                      I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                      ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63458.36 rows=1 width=1331) (actual time=0.082..637.683 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                            Join Filter: (events."eventSrc" =
                                            Rows Removed by Join Filter: 934793
                                            Buffers: shared hit=138052 read=21
                                            I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                            ->  Index Scan using events_organizationid_idx on events  (cost=0.43..63446.16 rows=1 width=1087) (actual time=0.057..243.683 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                                  Index Cond: (("eventTimestamp" >= '2022-05-20 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) AND ("eventTimestamp" <= '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone))
                                                  Filter: ((NOT "isAudit") AND (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL)))
                                                  Rows Removed by Filter: 74
                                                  Buffers: shared hit=27000 read=21
                                                  I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                            ->  Seq Scan on devices device  (cost=0.00..11.30 rows=72 width=244) (actual time=0.001..0.012 rows=44 loops=21983)
                                                  Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                                  Rows Removed by Filter: 31
                                                  Buffers: shared hit=111052
                                      ->  Seq Scan on "eventSources" "eventSource"  (cost=0.00..11.62 rows=44 width=572) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=21983)
                                            Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                ->  Seq Scan on users "user"  (cost=0.00..45.08 rows=47 width=94) (actual time=0.001..0.024 rows=47 loops=21983)
                                      Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                      Rows Removed by Filter: 39
                                      Buffers: shared hit=967252
                          ->  Seq Scan on "eventIds" "eventConfig"  (cost=0.00..6.10 rows=167 width=138) (actual time=0.001..0.013 rows=57 loops=21983)
                                Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                Rows Removed by Filter: 1
                                Buffers: shared hit=40109
                    ->  Seq Scan on hierarchies organisation  (cost=0.00..55.10 rows=156 width=26) (actual time=0.001..0.028 rows=82 loops=21983)
                          Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                          Rows Removed by Filter: 92
                          Buffers: shared hit=227409
              ->  Seq Scan on hierarchies hierarchy  (cost=0.00..55.10 rows=156 width=26) (actual time=0.001..0.026 rows=74 loops=21983)
                    Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                    Rows Removed by Filter: 90
                    Buffers: shared hit=201078
Planning Time: 1.303 ms
Execution Time: 3426.872 ms


I have a Postgres database with a fairly large table for events, average query time for this table is around 1 second when querying data between two dates, but sometimes the same query takes more than 1 minute to complete the execution.

Table size is around 2M records.

Attaching my table DDL below:

    id bigserial NOT NULL,
    "eventId" int4 NOT NULL,
    severity varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    "eventSrc" uuid NULL,
    "eventSrcType" varchar(255) NULL,
    "eventContext" json NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'::json,
    "data" jsonb NOT NULL,
    "eventTimestamp" timestamptz NULL,
    "createdAt" timestamptz NOT NULL,
    "updatedAt" timestamptz NOT NULL,
    "deletedAt" timestamptz NULL,
    "organizationId" uuid NULL,
    "hierarchyId" uuid NULL,
    "eventUser" uuid NULL,
    CONSTRAINT events_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT "events_eventId_eventIds_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("eventId") REFERENCES public."eventIds"("eventId") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_eventSrcType_eventSourceTypes_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("eventSrcType") REFERENCES public."eventSourceTypes"("srcType") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_eventUser_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("eventUser") REFERENCES public.users(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_hierarchyId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("hierarchyId") REFERENCES public.hierarchies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    CONSTRAINT "events_organizationId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("organizationId") REFERENCES public.hierarchies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX events_organizationid_idx ON USING btree ("organizationId", "eventTimestamp", "eventId");

Updating the Question

the query is as below:

    "device"."id" as "",
    "device"."info" as "",
    "device"."hierarchyId" as "device.hierarchyId",
    "device"."organizationId" as "device.organizationId",
    "device"."serialNo" as "device.serialNo",
    "device"."createdAt" as "device.createdAt",
    "device"."updatedAt" as "device.updatedAt",
    "device"."deletedAt" as "device.deletedAt",
    "eventSource"."id" as "",
    "eventSource"."sourceId" as "eventSource.sourceId",
    "eventSource"."sourceType" as "eventSource.sourceType",
    "eventSource"."name" as "",
    "eventSource"."createdAt" as "eventSource.createdAt",
    "eventSource"."updatedAt" as "eventSource.updatedAt",
    "eventSource"."deletedAt" as "eventSource.deletedAt",
    "user"."id" as "",
    "user"."title" as "user.title",
    "user"."firstName" as "user.firstName",
    "user"."middleName" as "user.middleName",
    "user"."lastName" as "user.lastName",
    "user"."email" as "",
    "user"."organizationId" as "user.organizationId",
    "user"."createdAt" as "user.createdAt",
    "user"."updatedAt" as "user.updatedAt",
    "user"."deletedAt" as "user.deletedAt",
    "eventConfig"."id" as "",
    "eventConfig"."eventId" as "eventConfig.eventId",
    "eventConfig"."name" as "",
    "eventConfig"."description" as "eventConfig.description",
    "eventConfig"."severity" as "eventConfig.severity",
    "eventConfig"."sourceType" as "eventConfig.sourceType",
    "eventConfig"."isDisabled" as "eventConfig.isDisabled",
    "eventConfig"."category" as "eventConfig.category",
    "eventConfig"."content" as "eventConfig.content",
    "eventConfig"."clearingEvent" as "eventConfig.clearingEvent",
    "eventConfig"."createdAt" as "eventConfig.createdAt",
    "eventConfig"."updatedAt" as "eventConfig.updatedAt",
    "eventConfig"."deletedAt" as "eventConfig.deletedAt",
    "organisation"."id" as "",
    "organisation"."shortName" as "organisation.shortName",
    "hierarchy"."id" as "",
    "hierarchy"."shortName" as "hierarchy.shortName"
    "events" as "events"
left outer join "devices" as "device" on
    "events"."eventSrc" = "device"."id"
    and ("device"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "device"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "eventSources" as "eventSource" on
    "events"."eventSrc" = "eventSource"."id"
    and ("eventSource"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "eventSource"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "users" as "user" on
    "events"."eventSrc" = "user"."id"
    and ("user"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "user"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "eventIds" as "eventConfig" on
    "events"."eventId" = "eventConfig"."eventId"
    and ("eventConfig"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "eventConfig"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "hierarchies" as "organisation" on
    "events"."organizationId" = "organisation"."id"
    and ("organisation"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "organisation"."deletedAt" is null)
left outer join "hierarchies" as "hierarchy" on
    "events"."hierarchyId" = "hierarchy"."id"
    and ("hierarchy"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "hierarchy"."deletedAt" is null)
    (("events"."deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        or "events"."deletedAt" is null)
    and ("events"."eventTimestamp" between '2022-05-20 09:02:33.651 +00:00' and '2022-05-24 09:02:33.651 +00:00'
        and "events"."isAudit" = false))
order by
    "events"."eventTimestamp" desc
limit 1000 offset 0;

Query Planned Explained with (analyse, buffers) here:

Limit  (cost=63638.49..63638.50 rows=1 width=2187) (actual time=3426.527..3426.738 rows=1000 loops=1)
  Buffers: shared hit=1573900 read=21
  I/O Timings: read=169.648
  ->  Sort  (cost=63638.49..63638.50 rows=1 width=2187) (actual time=3426.526..3426.626 rows=1000 loops=1)
        Sort Key: events."eventTimestamp" DESC
        Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 3240kB
        Buffers: shared hit=1573900 read=21
        I/O Timings: read=169.648
        ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63638.48 rows=1 width=2187) (actual time=0.234..3393.467 rows=21983 loops=1)
              Join Filter: (events."hierarchyId" =
              Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1596748
              Buffers: shared hit=1573900 read=21
              I/O Timings: read=169.648
              ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63581.43 rows=1 width=2161) (actual time=0.192..2625.353 rows=21983 loops=1)
                    Join Filter: (events."organizationId" =
                    Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1776812
                    Buffers: shared hit=1372822 read=21
                    I/O Timings: read=169.648
                    ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63524.39 rows=1 width=2135) (actual time=0.168..1787.853 rows=21983 loops=1)
                          Join Filter: (events."eventId" = "eventConfig"."eventId")
                          Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1231462
                          Buffers: shared hit=1145413 read=21
                          I/O Timings: read=169.648
                          ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63516.20 rows=1 width=1997) (actual time=0.142..1353.144 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                Join Filter: (events."eventSrc" = "user".id)
                                Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1033201
                                Buffers: shared hit=1105304 read=21
                                I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63470.54 rows=1 width=1903) (actual time=0.085..663.925 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                      Join Filter: (events."eventSrc" = "eventSource".id)
                                      Buffers: shared hit=138052 read=21
                                      I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                      ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.43..63458.36 rows=1 width=1331) (actual time=0.082..637.683 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                            Join Filter: (events."eventSrc" =
                                            Rows Removed by Join Filter: 934793
                                            Buffers: shared hit=138052 read=21
                                            I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                            ->  Index Scan using events_organizationid_idx on events  (cost=0.43..63446.16 rows=1 width=1087) (actual time=0.057..243.683 rows=21983 loops=1)
                                                  Index Cond: (("eventTimestamp" >= '2022-05-20 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) AND ("eventTimestamp" <= '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone))
                                                  Filter: ((NOT "isAudit") AND (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL)))
                                                  Rows Removed by Filter: 74
                                                  Buffers: shared hit=27000 read=21
                                                  I/O Timings: read=169.648
                                            ->  Seq Scan on devices device  (cost=0.00..11.30 rows=72 width=244) (actual time=0.001..0.012 rows=44 loops=21983)
                                                  Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                                  Rows Removed by Filter: 31
                                                  Buffers: shared hit=111052
                                      ->  Seq Scan on "eventSources" "eventSource"  (cost=0.00..11.62 rows=44 width=572) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=21983)
                                            Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                ->  Seq Scan on users "user"  (cost=0.00..45.08 rows=47 width=94) (actual time=0.001..0.024 rows=47 loops=21983)
                                      Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                      Rows Removed by Filter: 39
                                      Buffers: shared hit=967252
                          ->  Seq Scan on "eventIds" "eventConfig"  (cost=0.00..6.10 rows=167 width=138) (actual time=0.001..0.013 rows=57 loops=21983)
                                Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                                Rows Removed by Filter: 1
                                Buffers: shared hit=40109
                    ->  Seq Scan on hierarchies organisation  (cost=0.00..55.10 rows=156 width=26) (actual time=0.001..0.028 rows=82 loops=21983)
                          Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                          Rows Removed by Filter: 92
                          Buffers: shared hit=227409
              ->  Seq Scan on hierarchies hierarchy  (cost=0.00..55.10 rows=156 width=26) (actual time=0.001..0.026 rows=74 loops=21983)
                    Filter: (("deletedAt" > '2022-05-24 14:32:33.651+05:30'::timestamp with time zone) OR ("deletedAt" IS NULL))
                    Rows Removed by Filter: 90
                    Buffers: shared hit=201078
Planning Time: 1.303 ms
Execution Time: 3426.872 ms

I have updated the query plan.As you can see now for a date range of 5 days its taking more then 3 seconds.

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活雷疯 2025-02-05 22:21:31




Postgresql is fast for writing but is slower for reading, to improve the speed of the queries I would recommend creating some more indexes on the table. This can drastically increase the speed of SELECT queries.

This link can explain how to create indexes better than I can:

I hope this helps.

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