要渲染图,我使用 asciidoctor-kroki ,只有 ruby gem 。
结果,我使用 gem-maven-plugin 允许下载gems作为Maven依赖性。不幸的是,自上周以来,由于已过期。根据 twitter ,我发现它可以用 http://mavengems.jruby.org/releases 。尝试过该URL后,什么都没有改变:依赖关系仍然无法更改,我遇到了同样的错误。
In my maven build, I use asciidoctor-maven-plugin, which can use pure gem dependencies.
To render diagrams, I use asciidoctor-kroki, which is only available as a ruby gem.
As a consequence, I use the gem-maven-plugin which allow to download gems as maven dependencies. Unfortunatly, since the last week, I can no more download the dependency due to the fact that http://rubygems-proxy.torquebox.org/releases is expired. According to Twitter, I've found that it could be replaced with http://mavengems.jruby.org/releases. After having tried that url, nothing changed: the dependency still cannot be changed, and I'm stuck with the same error.
Which URL can I use to have my build working?
因此,由于所有翻译回购的jruby都已经过期,因此我必须依靠另一种解决方案……这是<a href =“ https://github.com/jruby/jruby/mavengem/mavengem” rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”>“ nofollow noreferrer”> mavengem下载<< /a> maven插件。
要配置该插件,我必须更改Ruby Gems存储库的声明:
So, since all JRuby translating repoitories have expired, I had to rely upon another solution ... which is the mavengem download maven plugin.
To configure that plugin, I had to change the declaration of the ruby gems repository:
And I had to add the plugin to my pom
Notice it is added as an extension, to be able to provide supplementary connection protocols.
Once both these configurations changes were done, everything worked correctly.