如何使用Pandas Groupby过滤此数据框架?
First Last Location ID1 ID2 First3 Last3
John Smith Toronto JohnToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Joh Smith Toronto JohToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Steph Sax Vancouver StephVancouver SaxVancouver Ste Sax
Steph Sa Vancouver StephVancouver SaxeVancouver Ste Sax
Stacy Lee Markham StacyMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
Stac Lee Markham StacMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
Stac Wong Aurora StacAurora LeeAurora Sta Won
Stac Lee Newmarket StacNewmarket LeeNewmarket Sta Lee
Steve Smith Toronto SteveToronto SmithToronto Ste Smi
John Jones Toronto JohnToronto JonesToronto Joh Jon
- ID1的所有其他条件 - 与另一个ID1匹配另一个ID1,而最后3则是相同的
- ID2-匹配另一个ID2,前3个是相同的
First Last Location ID1 ID2 First3 Last3
John Smith Toronto JohnToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Joh Smith Toronto JohToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Steph Sax Vancouver StephVancouver SaxVancouver Ste Sax
Steph Sa Vancouver StephVancouver SaxeVancouver Ste Sax
Stacy Lee Markham StacyMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
Stac Lee Markham StacMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
Using Python how can you use a group-by to filter this dataset
First Last Location ID1 ID2 First3 Last3
John Smith Toronto JohnToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Joh Smith Toronto JohToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Steph Sax Vancouver StephVancouver SaxVancouver Ste Sax
Steph Sa Vancouver StephVancouver SaxeVancouver Ste Sax
Stacy Lee Markham StacyMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
Stac Lee Markham StacMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
Stac Wong Aurora StacAurora LeeAurora Sta Won
Stac Lee Newmarket StacNewmarket LeeNewmarket Sta Lee
Steve Smith Toronto SteveToronto SmithToronto Ste Smi
John Jones Toronto JohnToronto JonesToronto Joh Jon
How can I make it so that where either the two conditions are accepted, filtering everything else that doesn't meet these two criteria
- ID1 - Matches another ID1 and the Last3 are the same
- ID2 - Matches another ID2 and the First 3 are the same
First Last Location ID1 ID2 First3 Last3
John Smith Toronto JohnToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Joh Smith Toronto JohToronto SmithToronto Joh Smi
Steph Sax Vancouver StephVancouver SaxVancouver Ste Sax
Steph Sa Vancouver StephVancouver SaxeVancouver Ste Sax
Stacy Lee Markham StacyMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
Stac Lee Markham StacMarkham LeeMarkham Sta Lee
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You may use:
根据澄清问题声明的评论 -
请尝试此方法 -
Based on comment for clarification of the problem statement -
Try this approach -
EDIT: Modifying the above answer provided by @SomeDude, you can run this as 2 independent conditions without a groupby and take an OR between them as well -