You can't bypass this website using simple requests.get, selenium/splash and even rotating-proxies won't work always. This is because, this website uses "Captcha services" and it knows how you are trying to access the page. The headers contains "Content-Disposition: form-data; name='recaptcha-token';" with a long cipher/encoded term, and since this term is based on your browsing activities, copy-pasting it in headers won't work either.
For such tricky websites, best option is to use browser based add-ons like "iMacro". You may also increase chances through Selenium, if you start browsing homepage and loading few more dummy links, before reaching the targeted link.
您无法使用简单的请求绕过此网站。GET,Selenium/Splash,甚至旋转式Proxies都不会始终工作。这是因为,该网站使用“ Captcha Services”,并且知道您如何尝试访问页面。标题包含“ content-disposition:form-data; name ='recaptcha-token';”;有一个长的密码/编码术语,并且由于该术语是基于您的浏览活动,因此将其复制在标题中也无法正常工作。
对于这种棘手的网站,最佳选择是使用基于浏览器的附加组件,例如“ imacro ”。如果您开始浏览主页并加载更多的虚拟链接,则可以通过硒增加机会,然后再达到目标链接。
You can't bypass this website using simple requests.get, selenium/splash and even rotating-proxies won't work always. This is because, this website uses "Captcha services" and it knows how you are trying to access the page. The headers contains "Content-Disposition: form-data; name='recaptcha-token';" with a long cipher/encoded term, and since this term is based on your browsing activities, copy-pasting it in headers won't work either.
For such tricky websites, best option is to use browser based add-ons like "iMacro". You may also increase chances through Selenium, if you start browsing homepage and loading few more dummy links, before reaching the targeted link.