I'm in the process of migrating the database from one server to another. When I try to select the backup file (.bak) within Docker, I'm getting an 'Access Denied' error. How to provide access permission to the Docker container?
I had the same error, and what I concluded is that the problem is the file is not in the format it should be, to be precise since I have remote access to my Linux server with GUI, I just copied the .bak file from the windows machine to Linux, which I repeat is not advised way to transfer files form one OS to another. I solved the problem by posting .bak on Google Drive and then generating a download link that I typed in the terminal later.
我遇到了相同的错误,我得出的结论是,问题是该文件不应以其应有的格式,因为我使用GUI远程访问Linux服务器,所以我刚刚从该文件中复制了.bak文件Windows Machine到Linux,我不建议将其重复的方法传输到另一个OS到另一个OS。我通过在Google Drive上发布.bak,然后生成我稍后在终端中输入的下载链接来解决问题。
要从Google Drive生成适当的链接,我建议以下指南:
$ curl -l -l -o the_name.bak“ the_link”
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-en-us/sql/sql/linux/linux/tutorial-restore-restore-restore-backup-in-sql--sql--sql----------服务器范围?view = sql-server-ver16
I had the same error, and what I concluded is that the problem is the file is not in the format it should be, to be precise since I have remote access to my Linux server with GUI, I just copied the .bak file from the windows machine to Linux, which I repeat is not advised way to transfer files form one OS to another. I solved the problem by posting .bak on Google Drive and then generating a download link that I typed in the terminal later.
To generate a proper link from Google Drive I recommend the following guide:
When you get the link type in the terminal:
$ curl -L -o The_Name.bak "The_link"
For restoring the database follow this tutorial: