
发布于 2025-01-29 06:23:46 字数 2624 浏览 4 评论 0原文


我也希望第二个Picturebox(PB2)重新绘制,因此我从PB1的油漆事件中调用PB2.Invalidate()。 [仅在上下文中,第二个图像框显示几乎相同的图像,但在更大的规模上,将来将遗漏图纸的某些部分,因此我在两个油漆事件中使用相同的方法,这些方法决定要绘制什么,什么不绘制)

它有效,但它是“ Laggy”的,我希望它与第一个Picturebox上的油漆一样光滑。我将油漆事件减少到用于测试目的的网格中。

  • 两个窗户都是双重缓冲的。
  • 我尝试用Skiasharp的SkglControls替换图片框(该skiasharp的性能应该更好)。示例代码仍然使用Skiaevents,因此如果两个控件都出现问题,请不要混淆。
  • 我尝试使用.update()或.refresh()而不是.invalidate(),但我想它要处理的很大,应用程序只是


public void Update(SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e, bool bigscreen)
        SKCanvas canvas = e.Surface.Canvas;
        //Zoom to specified area
        SKMatrix matrix = SKMatrix.Identity;
        if (!bigscreen)
            matrix = matrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateScale(canvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Width, canvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Height));
            matrix = matrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateScale(bigCanvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Width, bigCanvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Height));
        matrix = matrix.PreConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(-zoomArea.X, -zoomArea.Y));


private void DrawGrid(SKCanvas canvas)
        using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint() { IsAntialias = true,Color=SKColors.LightGray,StrokeWidth = 1})
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, gridCanvas.Height, paint); //Size gridCanvas is always the same at the moment and defines the space where the grid is drawn
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, gridCanvas.Width, 0, paint);

            for (int i = 0; i <= (gridCanvas.Width - gridoffsetX) / pxPerSquare; i++)
                canvas.DrawLine(i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetX, 0, i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetX, gridCanvas.Height, paint);
            for (int i = 0; i <= (gridCanvas.Height - gridoffsetY) / pxPerSquare; i++)
                canvas.DrawLine(0, i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetY, gridCanvas.Width, i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetY, paint);



private void Pb1_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)
        win2.UpdateDrawing(); //Just calls .Invalidate() on pb2
        painter.Update(e, false);


控制器几乎同时绘制了毫不延迟,尽管我不明白为什么第一个图像框是实时绘制的,而第二个则没有... 谢谢!

In my application, there are 2 windows and both contain a PictureBox. The first (pb1) allows interaction and the image can be changed through click- and mouseMove-events. These events call pb1.Invalidate(); which works fine.

I want the second PictureBox (pb2) to redraw as well so I call pb2.Invalidate() from the paint-event of pb1. [Just for context, the second PictureBox shows nearly the same Image but on a bigger scale and some parts of the drawing will be left out in the future so I use the same Method in both paint events which decides what to draw and what not]

It works but it's "laggy" and I want it to be as smooth as the paint on the first PictureBox. I reduced the paint event just to a grid for test purposes.

  • Both windows are double buffered.
  • I tried replacing the picture boxes with SKGLControls from SkiaSharp (which should have better performance). The example code still uses the SkiaEvents so don't be confused if the problem occurs with both controls.
  • I tried to use .Update() or .Refresh() instead of .Invalidate() but i guess its to much to handle, the application just crashes..

Here is the method that is called by both OnPaint events

public void Update(SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e, bool bigscreen)
        SKCanvas canvas = e.Surface.Canvas;
        //Zoom to specified area
        SKMatrix matrix = SKMatrix.Identity;
        if (!bigscreen)
            matrix = matrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateScale(canvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Width, canvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Height));
            matrix = matrix.PostConcat(SKMatrix.CreateScale(bigCanvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Width, bigCanvasSize / (float)zoomArea.Height));
        matrix = matrix.PreConcat(SKMatrix.CreateTranslation(-zoomArea.X, -zoomArea.Y));

and the grid-draw method

private void DrawGrid(SKCanvas canvas)
        using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint() { IsAntialias = true,Color=SKColors.LightGray,StrokeWidth = 1})
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, gridCanvas.Height, paint); //Size gridCanvas is always the same at the moment and defines the space where the grid is drawn
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, gridCanvas.Width, 0, paint);

            for (int i = 0; i <= (gridCanvas.Width - gridoffsetX) / pxPerSquare; i++)
                canvas.DrawLine(i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetX, 0, i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetX, gridCanvas.Height, paint);
            for (int i = 0; i <= (gridCanvas.Height - gridoffsetY) / pxPerSquare; i++)
                canvas.DrawLine(0, i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetY, gridCanvas.Width, i * pxPerSquare + gridoffsetY, paint);


and finally the original Paint Event

private void Pb1_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)
        win2.UpdateDrawing(); //Just calls .Invalidate() on pb2
        painter.Update(e, false);


So my question is: Is there a way to make both controls draw at nearly the same time without delay, although I don't understand why the first PictureBox draws in real time and the second doesn't...

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源来凯始玺欢你 2025-02-05 06:23:46


after searching for day i found this page right after posting, which helped me:
Onpaint events (invalidated) changing execution order after a period normal operation (runtime)

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