下调导航 - 菜单项单击时关闭导航
undurect typeerror:links.addeventlistener不是函数
( function() {
const siteNavigation = document.getElementById( 'navigation-outer' ); //changed from 'site-navigation' in default Underscores
// Return early if the navigation doesn't exist.
if ( ! siteNavigation ) {
const button = siteNavigation.getElementsByTagName( 'button' )[ 0 ];
// Return early if the button doesn't exist.
if ( 'undefined' === typeof button ) {
const menu = siteNavigation.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[ 0 ];
// Hide menu toggle button if menu is empty and return early.
if ( 'undefined' === typeof menu ) {
button.style.display = 'none';
if ( ! menu.classList.contains( 'nav-menu' ) ) {
menu.classList.add( 'nav-menu' );
// Toggle the .toggled class and the aria-expanded value each time the button is clicked.
button.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
siteNavigation.classList.toggle( 'toggled' );
if ( button.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) === 'true' ) {
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
body.className = body.className.replace( ' noscroll', '' ); // My modification
} else {
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
body.className += ' noscroll'; // My modification
} );
// Remove the .toggled class and set aria-expanded to false when the user clicks outside the navigation.
document.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
const isClickInside = siteNavigation.contains( event.target );
if ( ! isClickInside ) {
siteNavigation.classList.remove( 'toggled' );
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
} );
// Get all the link elements within the menu.
const links = menu.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );
// Close menu on item click.
links.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
siteNavigation.classList.remove( 'toggled' );
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
body.className = body.className.replace( ' noscroll', '' );
} );
// Get all the link elements with children within the menu.
const linksWithChildren = menu.querySelectorAll( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' );
// Toggle focus each time a menu link is focused or blurred.
for ( const link of links ) {
link.addEventListener( 'focus', toggleFocus, true );
link.addEventListener( 'blur', toggleFocus, true );
// Toggle focus each time a menu link with children receive a touch event.
for ( const link of linksWithChildren ) {
link.addEventListener( 'touchstart', toggleFocus, false );
* Sets or removes .focus class on an element.
function toggleFocus() {
if ( event.type === 'focus' || event.type === 'blur' ) {
let self = this;
// Move up through the ancestors of the current link until we hit .nav-menu.
while ( ! self.classList.contains( 'nav-menu' ) ) {
// On li elements toggle the class .focus.
if ( 'li' === self.tagName.toLowerCase() ) {
self.classList.toggle( 'focus' );
self = self.parentNode;
if ( event.type === 'touchstart' ) {
const menuItem = this.parentNode;
for ( const link of menuItem.parentNode.children ) {
if ( menuItem !== link ) {
link.classList.remove( 'focus' );
menuItem.classList.toggle( 'focus' );
}() );
When I click a menu item on Underscores that takes me to another page, then use the browser back button, the navigation is shown. I want to remove the active state from the navigation when an item is clicked. I've pasted what I've tried, but I get:
Uncaught TypeError: links.addEventListener is not a function
( function() {
const siteNavigation = document.getElementById( 'navigation-outer' ); //changed from 'site-navigation' in default Underscores
// Return early if the navigation doesn't exist.
if ( ! siteNavigation ) {
const button = siteNavigation.getElementsByTagName( 'button' )[ 0 ];
// Return early if the button doesn't exist.
if ( 'undefined' === typeof button ) {
const menu = siteNavigation.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[ 0 ];
// Hide menu toggle button if menu is empty and return early.
if ( 'undefined' === typeof menu ) {
button.style.display = 'none';
if ( ! menu.classList.contains( 'nav-menu' ) ) {
menu.classList.add( 'nav-menu' );
// Toggle the .toggled class and the aria-expanded value each time the button is clicked.
button.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
siteNavigation.classList.toggle( 'toggled' );
if ( button.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ) === 'true' ) {
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
body.className = body.className.replace( ' noscroll', '' ); // My modification
} else {
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
body.className += ' noscroll'; // My modification
} );
// Remove the .toggled class and set aria-expanded to false when the user clicks outside the navigation.
document.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
const isClickInside = siteNavigation.contains( event.target );
if ( ! isClickInside ) {
siteNavigation.classList.remove( 'toggled' );
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
} );
// Get all the link elements within the menu.
const links = menu.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );
// Close menu on item click.
links.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
siteNavigation.classList.remove( 'toggled' );
button.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
body.className = body.className.replace( ' noscroll', '' );
} );
// Get all the link elements with children within the menu.
const linksWithChildren = menu.querySelectorAll( '.menu-item-has-children > a, .page_item_has_children > a' );
// Toggle focus each time a menu link is focused or blurred.
for ( const link of links ) {
link.addEventListener( 'focus', toggleFocus, true );
link.addEventListener( 'blur', toggleFocus, true );
// Toggle focus each time a menu link with children receive a touch event.
for ( const link of linksWithChildren ) {
link.addEventListener( 'touchstart', toggleFocus, false );
* Sets or removes .focus class on an element.
function toggleFocus() {
if ( event.type === 'focus' || event.type === 'blur' ) {
let self = this;
// Move up through the ancestors of the current link until we hit .nav-menu.
while ( ! self.classList.contains( 'nav-menu' ) ) {
// On li elements toggle the class .focus.
if ( 'li' === self.tagName.toLowerCase() ) {
self.classList.toggle( 'focus' );
self = self.parentNode;
if ( event.type === 'touchstart' ) {
const menuItem = this.parentNode;
for ( const link of menuItem.parentNode.children ) {
if ( menuItem !== link ) {
link.classList.remove( 'focus' );
menuItem.classList.toggle( 'focus' );
}() );
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捕获元素。Try catching elements by id with
instead ofgetElementsByTagName