我有一个页面,该页面具有不可见的(不透明度= 0),并且基于 istertersectectect
if ("IntersectionObserver" in window){
// Javascript here
I have a page which has the content invisible (opacity = 0) and based on the isIntersecting
property as the user scrolls down the opacity changes to 1. It's pretty simple and a basic implementation of the IntersectionObserver API.
However I was having some issue with Safari support and maybe there are others like me who are using older browsers. So I used feature detection in the JS file as below
if ("IntersectionObserver" in window){
// Javascript here
And this works fine for the browsers where it was working even earlier. However my CSS still has the opacity as 0 and I need to show that content with opacity as 1 to those browsers who don't support IntersectionObserver..
How do I do this?
In other words, is there a way where I can apply conditions in CSS and even if there is, then how do I take a JS variable into CSS?
Any advise would be appreciated.
交叉点观察者不支持iOS 12下方,因此对于较旧的版本,您可以使用,然后无需更改其他CSS或其他任何内容。
Intersection Observer isn't supported below iOS 12, so for the older versions you can use https://www.npmjs.com/package/intersection-observer, and then no need for additional CSS changing or anything.
You could set the opacity using a CSS variable and change that in the JS.