I don't see an error in your code, it just that you need to keep following the instructions, by giving the current code i can see its working, take a look at this Codesandbox
If you notice, when you click the button, it tell us Metamask is installed
Few points.
On the documentation, they load this when the window load window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize); and you want to do it on a button, see onclick="initialize()"
Also please make sure for other questions to provide an error or something so the community can help you better
时加载了此功能,然后您想在按钮上执行此操作,请参阅onclick onclick =“ prinitialize()”
I don't see an error in your code, it just that you need to keep following the instructions, by giving the current code i can see its working, take a look at this Codesandbox
If you notice, when you click the button, it tell us Metamask is installed
Few points.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);
and you want to do it on a button, seeonclick="initialize()"
Also please make sure for other questions to provide an error or something so the community can help you better