无法连接到Google:无法使用API:401,消息='未授权',url = url('https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendar/f3/calendars/f ... []
3:34:54 PM - (错误)Google日历 - 消息首先在3:34:24 PM出现,并显示48次。
Not sure what is going on, but after following some instructions here to integrate my google calendar into Home Assistant, it works for like an hour, then it doesn’t work anymore. Tried it 4 times, both times just stops working with Google calendar after about an hour, even after delete the project from google and making a new one.
Here's the error log:
Unable to connect to Google: Unable to authenticate with API: 401, message='Unauthorized', url=URL('https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/f...[][email protected]/events?maxResult=100&singleEvents=true&orderBy=startTime&fields=kind,nextPageToken,nextSyncToken,items(id,summary,description,location,start,end,transparency)&timeMin=2022-05-01T06:00:00%2B00:00&timeMax=2022-06-12T06:00:00%2B00:00')
3:34:54 PM – (ERROR) Google Calendars - message first occurred at 3:34:24 PM and shows up 48 times.
when it happens, I click on calendar and its just a blank calendar, when it was previously showing all my entries.
Any idea why it works and then it doesn’t work?
The method you are currently trying to use requires user consent. You will need to use Oauth2 to request consent of the user and get an access token back. This token will allow you to access the users data. You are not currently sending one. It is sent as an authorization header.
Turns out there was some server issues at Google. Problem resolved itself after a couple of days.