future = m.make_future_dataframe( periods=48, freq='30min')
m = Prophet(growth='logistic', weekly_seasonality=False)
forecast = m.fit(df_solar).predict(future)
I have a Solar radiation time series data for 2 years, It is half hourly(every 30 mins) and it has a daily and yearly seasonality with no trend. All the input y values are above 0 and below 1000. Over the course of the day, from midnight till morning the values are 0 and during the day till evening it has positive values with peak in the afternoon and values are 0 in the night.
I intially tried simple model and in the forecasting I see negative values popping up(that were supposed to be 0). After reading through the prophet documentation and other posts here , I tried saturating minimum option, using logistic model with floor set to 0 and cap to 1000, but still I get negative values in the prediction(that was supposed to be 0).
future = m.make_future_dataframe( periods=48, freq='30min')
m = Prophet(growth='logistic', weekly_seasonality=False)
forecast = m.fit(df_solar).predict(future)
So, is the staturating minimum not working ? How can I get to predict correctly with out negative values where the values should be 0 ? Any help, appreciated.
使用逻辑增长模型,先知将地板/盖饱和点设置为趋势成分。但是,其他组件(即额外的回归器)可能会将您的预测推向负数。如果您需要在0和1000中进行硬停止,则应考虑审查回归(又称TOBIT回归)。您可以看到一个示例使用pymc 或使用Stan进行估计。
I recommend to plot the components of the model:
With the logistic growth model, Prophet is setting a floor/cap saturation point to the trend component. But it is possible that other components (i.e., the extra regressors) are driving your predictions into a negative number. If you require a hard stop in 0 and 1000, instead you should consider a Censored Regression (a.k.a. Tobit regression). You can see an example using PyMC here or perhaps do the estimation using Stan.