我在带有NXP I.MX 6ul Cortex -A7的板上,将已经部署的Yocto系统(Yocto 2.6.2 -Thud)拿到了。目前,我唯一可能的访问是通过WiFi。我可以通过wifi和ssh访问root。董事会嵌入了我无法打开的案件中。因此,没有物理访问该板 - 只需wifi即可。
I got my hands on an already deployed yocto system (yocto 2.6.2 - thud) on a board with a NXP i.MX 6UL Cortex-A7. My only possible access at the moment is via wifi. I have access as root via wifi with ssh. The board is embedded into a case which I can't open. So no physical access to that board - just wifi.
My further intention is to setup/deploy/flash my own OS (yocto/debian/etc.) onto this board, but I have no proper knowledge to do so...
Is it even possible to flash a new image only with wifi access?
Which step is the next one I should consider?
Are there any documentations to start with?
从您的评论中,我提到您有 variscite Dart-6ul 模块。您的模块的生产商提供了Wiki,其中包含有关如何开始使用的大量信息和教程。 variscite darcite darcite dart-dart-dart-dart-wiki
如何构建Yocto System
,在开发时间内使用TFTP/NFS服务器的引导可能很有用。 在此处提供更多信息
From your comments, I mention that you have the Variscite DART-6UL module. The producer of your module provides a wiki with lots of information and tutorials on how to start work with. Variscite DART-6UL Wiki
How to build your yocto system
Ready solution for update - SWUpdate Guide
Using SWUpdate is the easiest way to achieve updates for your module.
Another way is to develop your own mechanism. In this case, you can do developed all processes and make them fully automatic, but it is complicated and required knowledge and experience.
For the development time, it can be useful to use booting from TFTP/NFS server. More information here
Other help sources:
embedded system