I have a client with an old CRM, Dynamics 4.0 on-premise and I want to migrate data from his CRM to a new instance Dynamics 365. Is there any way to migrate his data?
Moving from 4.0 to Dataverse is not easy... Its likely easier to migrate the data into a net new online instance after recreating the 4.0 datamodel and customizations... Alternatively,you can always do in place upgrades up to a supported version to do a fast track migration with Microsoft help. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fasttrack/migration
考虑SSIS + Kingswaysoft适配器。使用标准SQL适配器直接从SQL Server数据库中读取CRM 4.0数据。
Consider SSIS + KingsWaySoft adapter. Read the CRM 4.0 data directly from the SQL Server database using the standard SQL adapters.
从4.0转移到数据不容易...在重新创建4.0 Datamodel和自定义后,将数据迁移到新的在线实例中的可能更容易Microsoft帮助的快速轨道迁移。
Moving from 4.0 to Dataverse is not easy... Its likely easier to migrate the data into a net new online instance after recreating the 4.0 datamodel and customizations... Alternatively,you can always do in place upgrades up to a supported version to do a fast track migration with Microsoft help. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fasttrack/migration