我有一个应用程序,我想验证一个请求是否来自目前签名到(a)特定域或(b)特定Microsoft 365用户的用户。
我可以调用某种类型的Windows API函数以获得我可以用户验证用户身份的令牌或其他访问证明吗?
例如,有人声称为他们如何提供证据?或\ mydomain \ bob
I have an application where i want to verify that a request is coming from a user that's currently signed-in to (A) a particular Domain or is (B) a particular Microsoft 365 user.
Can I call a windows api function of some kind to get a token or some other proof of access that I can user to verify the identity of the user?
For example someone claims to be [email protected] signed into M365... how can they provide proof that they are? OR \mydomain\bob
And then is there an API for verifying that proof with M365 or the domain server?
What I don't want is an already-signed-in-user to have to type a username and password in anywhere, but everything i see leads to that.
This is something like "single signon" from what I can tell.
I have a server that's receiving requests from a desktop application of a signed-in user. Just want to be sure it's the right user.
OK, pretty sure what I need are SSPI functions.
InitializeSecurityContextA : Application on the client side of a connection sends credentials to the server by using the SSPI function
AcceptSecurityContext : lets the server component of a transport application establish a security context between the server and a remote client.