Specify Oxs_ScriptUZeeman [subst {
script_args total_time
script {SmoothStep $step_height [expr {$rise_time*1e-12}]}
multiplier [expr {0.001/$mu0}]
proc SmoothStep { Hnom risetime t } {
set t [expr {$t/$risetime}]
if {$t<=0.0} {
set g 0.0
set gp 0.0
} elseif {$t>=1.0} {
set g $Hnom
set gp 0.0
} else {
global pi
set g [expr {0.5*$Hnom*(1-cos($pi*$t))}]
set gp [expr {0.5*$Hnom*$pi*sin($pi*$t)/$risetime}]
return [list $g 0 0 $gp 0 0]
Specify Oxs_ScriptUZeeman [subst {
script_args total_time
script {SmoothStep $step_height [expr {$rise_time*1e-12}]}
multiplier [expr {0.001/$mu0}]
proc SmoothStep { Hnom risetime t } {
set t [expr {$t/$risetime}]
if {$t<=0.0} {
set g 0.0
set gp 0.0
} elseif {$t>=1.0} {
set g $Hnom
set gp 0.0
} else {
global pi
set g [expr {0.5*$Hnom*(1-cos($pi*$t))}]
set gp [expr {0.5*$Hnom*$pi*sin($pi*$t)/$risetime}]
return [list $g 0 0 $gp 0 0]
I simulated mif file that is littele bit changed from yoyo.mif file which is contained with oommf file. but it's not working now. Program said that Can't use non-numeric string as operand of '/'. I tried to solve this problem, but it does not resolved yet.
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