你能告诉我为什么这个示例从此处取 https://github.com/svgator.com/svgator/trigger-animation 使用 ( logo.svg with ID with ID“ e6flsqoxhzzs1”) 。
/a>(使用 untitled.svg 带有id“ eokhp9yqpje1”)这是一个非常简单的动画动画(仅出于测试目的)。
两个HTML文件都非常简单,只需要更改文件名和ID,但是示例2.html ...您会认为SVG使用LIVE上的上传SVG设备测试SVG文件(Untitled.svg)时演示在这里 https:// https:///www.svgator.com/hellp/启动/svgator-player-js-api 它可以正常工作,并且按预期触发!
Can you tell me why this example http://www.silkcutz.co.uk/test/ taken from here https://github.com/SVGator/trigger-animation which uses (logo.svg with ID "e6flsqoxhzzs1") works absolutely fine....
BUT http://www.silkcutz.co.uk/test/2.html (using Untitled.svg with ID "eOKHP9YQpje1") doesnt, this is a very simple animation of a box moving position (just for test purposes).
Both html files are very simple and should require only the filename and ID changing but the examples 2.html... you would think the svg has issues but when testing the SVG file (Untitled.svg) using the upload svg facility on the live demo here https://www.svgator.com/help/getting-started/svgator-player-js-api it work fine and is triggered as expected!
Any help would be very much appreciated!
要使用在此处描述的技术,您需要使用“动画开始:ON ON ON ON ON ANIMATION:点击”。
这 访问播放器API并可以控制动画作为Pro用户。
To use the technique described there, you need to export the SVGator project using "Animation start: On click".
But programmatic animation has been recently implemented. Check these resources:
Here's a complete example on how to use Player API with a SVG embedded in an tag:
It's also worth knowing that no matter how you set the "Animation start", you always have access to the Player API and can control the animations as a PRO user.