在ubuntu jlink上没有生成.bat脚本,只有bash脚本
我正在尝试使用本指南来创建一个使用Laucher脚本的自定义JRE。我正在运行ubuntu 20.04,最后我只在bin文件夹中获得了bash脚本,但是jlink不应该同时创建.bat和bash脚本吗?
I am trying to create a custom JRE with laucher scripts using this guide. I am running Ubuntu 20.04, and at the end I got only the bash script in the bin folder, but wasn't it supposed for jlink to create both .bat and bash scripts?
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或者,您将应用程序包装包含JRE,因此客户不必关心所需的Java版本。为了使这更容易,已经创建了jlink和jpackage。看看 https://docs.oracle。 com/en/java/javase/17/jpackage/packaging-overview.html
如果您喜欢WebStart(意味着您的应用程序的自动在线分发),请查看 https://openwebstart.com/
Considering the question and the comments so far...
Either you go the traditional way and continue to distribute jar files. Your client can run the application on any machine that has a Java Runtime (and today that means they install the JDK as there is no JRE any more).
Or you package your application to include the JRE so the client does not have to care which version of Java they need. To make this easier, jlink and jpackage have been created. Have a look at https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/jpackage/packaging-overview.html
Just be aware Windows packages will have to be created on a Windows machine, Linux packages on a Linux machine etc. Cross-compiling is not supported.
If you prefer something like Webstart (which means automated online distribution of your application), take a look at https://openwebstart.com/
您可以在Linux计算机上生成Windows软件包,反之亦然,请参见在另一个平台上创建Jlink 在另一个平台上创建Java Runtime Image
jlink - module-path“ path_to_to_to_a_windows_jdk \ jmods”
)。如果要在管道上进行操作,则可以使用MVN-JLINK MAVEN插件,该插件将下载所需的JDK。You can generate a Windows package on a Linux machine and vice versa, see Create Java runtime image on one platform for another using Jlink
For that you need the JDK of the target platform and point to its jmods module (
jlink --module-path "path_to_a_Windows_JDK\jmods"
). If you want to do it on a pipeline you can use mvn-jlink maven plugin that would download the required JDK.