
发布于 2025-01-25 09:49:28 字数 277 浏览 3 评论 0原文




I want to scroll the navigation bar as the user scrolls on the view controller. This should be similar to how the YouTube app's home page is working. When the user scrolls down, the navigation bar should be made visible. The navigation bar should move as much as the scroll amount.

I'm aware of hidesBarOnSwipe and setNavigationBarHidden, but these do not give precise control of the y-axis. I'm also reading that Apple does not support directly modifying the navigation bar frame.

So, how does YouTube do this? I'm looking for an MVP demonstrating navigation bar position change along with a UIScrollView offset change.

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无法言说的痛 2025-02-01 09:49:28


首先,YouTube应用程序主页的顶部几乎可以肯定是 不是 a uinavigationbar - 它的行为不像一个推动/弹出控制器正在进行,它在标签栏控制器设置等中。

因此,假设它是带有子视图的视图 - 我们将其称为“滑动标头视图” - 您的目标是:

  • 不要让 标头视图的顶部滚动
  • 当向下滚动时, “向上滚动”滚动时,
  • 向下滚动,


  • 当我们 start 滚动时,我们将保存当前.contentoffset.y
  • 当我们滚动时,如果我们滚动,我们将获得相对滚动y的距离
  • ,我们将更改顶部约束.constant值,以将标题视图移动,
  • 如果我们向下滚动,我们将更改顶部约束.constant标题查看以下


​nofollow noreferrer”> “在此处输入映像”







简单的两标签“标头”标头“ “查看

class SlidingHeaderView: UIView {
    // simple view with two labels
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)
    func commonInit() {
        backgroundColor = .systemBlue
        let v1 = UILabel()
        v1.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        v1.text = "Label 1"
        v1.backgroundColor = .yellow

        let v2 = UILabel()
        v2.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        v2.text = "Label 2"
        v2.backgroundColor = .yellow

            v1.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor, constant: 12.0),
            v1.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor, constant: -12.0),
            v2.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor, constant: 12.0),
            v2.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor, constant: -12.0),
            v1.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor, constant: 8.0),
            v2.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor, constant: -8.0),
            v2.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: v1.bottomAnchor, constant: 4.0),
            v2.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: v1.heightAnchor),


class SlidingHeaderViewController: UIViewController {
    let scrollView: UIScrollView = {
        let v = UIScrollView()
        v.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
        return v
    let slidingHeaderView: SlidingHeaderView = {
        let v = SlidingHeaderView()
        return v
    let contentView: UIView = {
        let v = UIView()
        v.backgroundColor = .systemYellow
        return v

    // Top constraint for the slidingHeaderView
    var slidingViewTopC: NSLayoutConstraint!

    // to track the scroll activity
    var curScrollY: CGFloat = 0

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = .systemBackground
        [scrollView, slidingHeaderView, contentView].forEach { v in
            v.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        // add contentView and slidingHeaderView to the scroll view
        [contentView, slidingHeaderView].forEach { v in
        // add scroll view to self.view
        let safeG = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
        let contentG = scrollView.contentLayoutGuide
        let frameG = scrollView.frameLayoutGuide
        // we're going to change slidingHeaderView's Top constraint relative to the Top of the scroll view FRAME
        slidingViewTopC = slidingHeaderView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.topAnchor, constant: 0.0)
            // scroll view Top to view Top
            scrollView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.topAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // scroll view Leading/Trailing/Bottom to safe area
            scrollView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.leadingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            scrollView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.trailingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            scrollView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.bottomAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // constrain slidingHeaderView Top to scroll view's FRAME
            // slidingHeaderView to Leading/Trailing of scroll view FRAME
            slidingHeaderView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.leadingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            slidingHeaderView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.trailingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // no Height or Bottom constraint for slidingHeaderView
            // content view Top/Leading/Trailing/Bottom to scroll view's CONTENT GUIDE
            contentView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.topAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            contentView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.leadingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            contentView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.trailingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            contentView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.bottomAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // content view Width to scroll view's FRAME
            contentView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.widthAnchor, constant: 0.0),
        // add some content to the content view so we have something to scroll
        // because we're going to track the scroll offset
        scrollView.delegate = self

    override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {

        if slidingHeaderView.frame.height == 0 {
            // get the size of the slidingHeaderView
            let sz = slidingHeaderView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(CGSize(width: scrollView.frame.width, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude), withHorizontalFittingPriority: .required, verticalFittingPriority: .defaultLow)
            // use its Height for the scroll view's Top contentInset
            scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: sz.height, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
    func addSomeContent() {
        // create a vertical stack view with a bunch of labels
        //  and add it to our content view so we have something to scroll
        let stack = UIStackView()
        stack.axis = .vertical
        stack.spacing = 32
        stack.backgroundColor = .gray
        stack.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        for i in 1...20 {
            let v = UILabel()
            v.text = "Label \(i)"
            v.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1.0)
            v.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 48.0).isActive = true
            stack.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.topAnchor, constant: 16.0),
            stack.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.leadingAnchor, constant: 16.0),
            stack.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.trailingAnchor, constant: -16.0),
            stack.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.bottomAnchor, constant: -16.0),

extension SlidingHeaderViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
    func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        curScrollY = scrollView.contentOffset.y
    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        let diffY = scrollView.contentOffset.y - curScrollY
        var newY: CGFloat = slidingViewTopC.constant - diffY
        if diffY < 0 {
            // we're scrolling DOWN
            newY = min(newY, 0.0)
        } else {
            // we're scrolling UP
            if scrollView.contentOffset.y <= -slidingHeaderView.frame.height {
                newY = 0.0
            } else {
                newY = max(-slidingHeaderView.frame.height, newY)
        // update slidingHeaderView Top constraint constant
        slidingViewTopC.constant = newY
        curScrollY = scrollView.contentOffset.y

所有内容都是通过代码完成的 - @iboutlet@ibaction需要连接。

Without additional detail about what you want to do, I'll make some guesses.

First, the top of the YouTube app's home page is almost certainly not a UINavigationBar -- it doesn't behave like one, there is no pushing/popping of controllers going on, it's in a tab bar controller setup, etc.

So, let's assume it's a view with subviews - we'll call it a "sliding header view" - and your goal is:

  • don't let the header view's top scroll down
  • "push it up" when scrolling up
  • "pull it down" when scrolling down

We can accomplish this by constraining the Top of that header view to the Top of the scroll view's Frame Layout Guide.

  • when we start to scroll, we'll save the current .contentOffset.y
  • when we scroll, we'll get the relative scroll y distance
  • if we're scrolling Up, we'll change the Top Constraint .constant value to move the header view up
  • if we're scrolling Down, we'll change the Top Constraint .constant value to move the header view down

Here's how it will look at the start:

enter image description here

as we scroll up just a little:

enter image description here

after we've scrolled up farther:

enter image description here

as we scroll down just a little:

enter image description here

after we've scrolled down farther:

enter image description here

Here's the example code for that:

Simple two-label "header" view

class SlidingHeaderView: UIView {
    // simple view with two labels
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)
    func commonInit() {
        backgroundColor = .systemBlue
        let v1 = UILabel()
        v1.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        v1.text = "Label 1"
        v1.backgroundColor = .yellow

        let v2 = UILabel()
        v2.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        v2.text = "Label 2"
        v2.backgroundColor = .yellow

            v1.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor, constant: 12.0),
            v1.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor, constant: -12.0),
            v2.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor, constant: 12.0),
            v2.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor, constant: -12.0),
            v1.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor, constant: 8.0),
            v2.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor, constant: -8.0),
            v2.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: v1.bottomAnchor, constant: 4.0),
            v2.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: v1.heightAnchor),

example view controller

class SlidingHeaderViewController: UIViewController {
    let scrollView: UIScrollView = {
        let v = UIScrollView()
        v.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
        return v
    let slidingHeaderView: SlidingHeaderView = {
        let v = SlidingHeaderView()
        return v
    let contentView: UIView = {
        let v = UIView()
        v.backgroundColor = .systemYellow
        return v

    // Top constraint for the slidingHeaderView
    var slidingViewTopC: NSLayoutConstraint!

    // to track the scroll activity
    var curScrollY: CGFloat = 0

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = .systemBackground
        [scrollView, slidingHeaderView, contentView].forEach { v in
            v.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        // add contentView and slidingHeaderView to the scroll view
        [contentView, slidingHeaderView].forEach { v in
        // add scroll view to self.view
        let safeG = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
        let contentG = scrollView.contentLayoutGuide
        let frameG = scrollView.frameLayoutGuide
        // we're going to change slidingHeaderView's Top constraint relative to the Top of the scroll view FRAME
        slidingViewTopC = slidingHeaderView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.topAnchor, constant: 0.0)
            // scroll view Top to view Top
            scrollView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.topAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // scroll view Leading/Trailing/Bottom to safe area
            scrollView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.leadingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            scrollView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.trailingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            scrollView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeG.bottomAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // constrain slidingHeaderView Top to scroll view's FRAME
            // slidingHeaderView to Leading/Trailing of scroll view FRAME
            slidingHeaderView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.leadingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            slidingHeaderView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.trailingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // no Height or Bottom constraint for slidingHeaderView
            // content view Top/Leading/Trailing/Bottom to scroll view's CONTENT GUIDE
            contentView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.topAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            contentView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.leadingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            contentView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.trailingAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            contentView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentG.bottomAnchor, constant: 0.0),
            // content view Width to scroll view's FRAME
            contentView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: frameG.widthAnchor, constant: 0.0),
        // add some content to the content view so we have something to scroll
        // because we're going to track the scroll offset
        scrollView.delegate = self

    override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {

        if slidingHeaderView.frame.height == 0 {
            // get the size of the slidingHeaderView
            let sz = slidingHeaderView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(CGSize(width: scrollView.frame.width, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude), withHorizontalFittingPriority: .required, verticalFittingPriority: .defaultLow)
            // use its Height for the scroll view's Top contentInset
            scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: sz.height, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
    func addSomeContent() {
        // create a vertical stack view with a bunch of labels
        //  and add it to our content view so we have something to scroll
        let stack = UIStackView()
        stack.axis = .vertical
        stack.spacing = 32
        stack.backgroundColor = .gray
        stack.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        for i in 1...20 {
            let v = UILabel()
            v.text = "Label \(i)"
            v.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1.0)
            v.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 48.0).isActive = true
            stack.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.topAnchor, constant: 16.0),
            stack.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.leadingAnchor, constant: 16.0),
            stack.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.trailingAnchor, constant: -16.0),
            stack.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.bottomAnchor, constant: -16.0),

extension SlidingHeaderViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
    func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        curScrollY = scrollView.contentOffset.y
    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        let diffY = scrollView.contentOffset.y - curScrollY
        var newY: CGFloat = slidingViewTopC.constant - diffY
        if diffY < 0 {
            // we're scrolling DOWN
            newY = min(newY, 0.0)
        } else {
            // we're scrolling UP
            if scrollView.contentOffset.y <= -slidingHeaderView.frame.height {
                newY = 0.0
            } else {
                newY = max(-slidingHeaderView.frame.height, newY)
        // update slidingHeaderView Top constraint constant
        slidingViewTopC.constant = newY
        curScrollY = scrollView.contentOffset.y

Everything is done via code - no @IBOutlet or @IBAction connections needed.

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