我试图在0.6和1之间的直方图(在Y轴上)中创建差距,但真的不知道该如何解决。 gap.barplot解决方案似乎不起作用,我很乐意保持与其他景观一致的美感。理想情况下,它看起来像这样:
h <- hist(benthosBx$length_mm, breaks = seq(0, 10, 0.5), plot = FALSE)
h$counts <- h$counts / nrow(benthosBx)
gap.plot(h, xlab = 'Body length (mm)', ylab = '', gap = c(0.4,0.8),ylim = c(0,0.6), xlim = c(0,10), main = ' ', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', col = "grey")
axis(side=1, at=seq(0,10, 1))
axis(side=2, at=seq(0,1, 0.1))
structure(list(lakeID = c("WE2", "WE2"), length_mm = c(1.52172197930582,
1.63884515191493), date = structure(c(1592352000, 1597881600), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), year = c(2020L, 2020L)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
I'm trying to create a gap in a histogram between 0.6 and 1 (on the y axis) but don't really know how to go about this. The gap.barplot solution does not seem to work and i'd love to keep the aesthetic of the plots consistent with the other ones. Ideally it would look something like this:
The general plot code attempt looks like this:
h <- hist(benthosBx$length_mm, breaks = seq(0, 10, 0.5), plot = FALSE)
h$counts <- h$counts / nrow(benthosBx)
gap.plot(h, xlab = 'Body length (mm)', ylab = '', gap = c(0.4,0.8),ylim = c(0,0.6), xlim = c(0,10), main = ' ', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', col = "grey")
axis(side=1, at=seq(0,10, 1))
axis(side=2, at=seq(0,1, 0.1))
dput of the data:
structure(list(lakeID = c("WE2", "WE2"), length_mm = c(1.52172197930582,
1.63884515191493), date = structure(c(1592352000, 1597881600), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), year = c(2020L, 2020L)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
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Set the value to zero.