但是,我有一条错误消息链接到我的#include“ net/rime.h”,库奥贾在编译时输出以下消息:
我以为我在官方网站上安装了contiki-ng时,它与contiki一起出现。我的快速修复是从GitHub存储库下载文件并将其存储在我的Active Directory中。但是我觉得很丑,有没有办法安装此库?因为我还没有找到方法。
这个问题接近 this 。
I am trying to do a simple simulation in Cooja (literally the example on the Contiki website here).
However I have an error message linked to my #include "net/rime.h", Cooja outputs the following message while compiling:
fatal error: net/rime.h: No such file or directory
I thought that it came with Contiki when I've installed contiki-ng following the procedure on the official website. My quick fix was to download the file from the github repository and store it in my active directory. However I find it quite ugly, is there a way to install this library ? Because I haven't found a way yet.
Thanks a lot.
It's a question close to this one.
我建议您De Docker Way,并在克隆GIT存储库后
Which kind of method are you using to start Cooja? Directly on the SO? Over Docker?
I recommend you de Docker way, and remember to apply the command
after cloning the git repository.
Also, if you are using Docker, check if the binding of the Contiki folders between de Host and the Container are correctly made.