使用Azure Data Factory连接到Oracle Onpremises -S2SVPN
是否可以使用Azure Data Factory通过站点进行站点VPN连接到本地Oracle DB?还是我不得不使用自托管的集成运行时? 谢谢
Is it possible to connect to on-premises Oracle DB using Azure Data Factory via a Site to Site VPN? Or am I obliged to use a Self-Hosted Integration Runtime?
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如果您的数据存储位于本地网络,Azure虚拟网络或Amazon Virtual Private Cloud内部,则需要配置自托管集成运行时以连接到它。
如果您的数据存储是托管云数据服务,则可以使用Azure集成运行时。如果访问仅限于在防火墙规则中批准的IP,则可以将Azure Integration Runtime IPS添加到允许列表中。
您还可以在Azure Data Factory中使用托管虚拟网络集成运行时功能来访问本地网络,而无需安装和配置自托管集成运行时。
请参阅 - https> https:https:// learch。 microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/connector-oracle?tabs=data-factory
If your data store is located inside an on-premises network, an Azure virtual network, or Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, you need to configure a self-hosted integration runtime to connect to it.
If your data store is a managed cloud data service, you can use the Azure Integration Runtime. If the access is restricted to IPs that are approved in the firewall rules, you can add Azure Integration Runtime IPs to the allow list.
You can also use the managed virtual network integration runtime feature in Azure Data Factory to access the on-premises network without installing and configuring a self-hosted integration runtime.
For more information about the network security mechanisms and options supported by Data Factory, see Data access strategies.
The integration runtime provides a built-in Oracle driver. Therefore, you don't need to manually install a driver when you copy data from and to Oracle.
Refer - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/connector-oracle?tabs=data-factory