警告[swingworker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:56,274 outputfinder-未找到模型输出匹配地球:{**/,,} mode Model output*.batch_param_map.txt in/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/var/文件夹/NH/8K546JQ14L5GNWKJGXVCH81800GN/T/T/SIMPHONY_MODEL_1651246794058/instance_2
warn [swingworker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:40:40:40:40:40:56,274 Uppoftfinder-doupptfinder-doupptfinder-doupt Found Found-inter-Outs Indut ottagt of of FORING of Motted Glot: /文件夹/NH/8K546JQ14L5GNWKJGXVCH8180000GN/t/t/simphony_model_1651246794058/instance_2
警告[swingworker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:40:40:40:40:40:56,275输出finder-douptfind-douptfind-docuts uptive founting-docuts toff interfirn-dobled optuct'在/var/folder/nh/8k546jq14l5gnwkjgxvch8180000gn/t/simphony_model_1651246794058/instance_1
warn [swingworker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:40:40:56,275输出finder-note-node输出范围内, txt in/var/folder/nh/8k546jq14l5gnwkjgxvch8180000gn/t/t/simphony_model_1651246794058/instance_1,我
- 它不是自我释放的。
- 显示元素
- 模型输出 中没有显示元素
- 外部库
I have set up a simulation in Repast that is supposed to model people boarding an airplane. I wish to run it multiple times to get an average of how much time it takes to board the airplane for various methods. The model works completely fine when running normally, and the model output works just fine then. However, when I try to do a batch run it gives me this error in the console, and the final model output it gives is just an empty file. Also, the console gives this message:
WARN [SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:56,274 OutputFinder - No model output found matching glob:{**/,}ModelOutput*.batch_param_map.txt in /var/folders/nh/8k546jq14l5gnwkjgxvch8180000gn/T/simphony_model_1651246794058/instance_2
WARN [SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:56,274 OutputFinder - No model output found matching glob:{**/,}ModelOutput*.txt in /var/folders/nh/8k546jq14l5gnwkjgxvch8180000gn/T/simphony_model_1651246794058/instance_2
WARN [SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:56,275 OutputFinder - No model output found matching glob:{**/,}ModelOutput*.batch_param_map.txt in /var/folders/nh/8k546jq14l5gnwkjgxvch8180000gn/T/simphony_model_1651246794058/instance_1
WARN [SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-2] 17:40:56,275 OutputFinder - No model output found matching glob:{**/,}ModelOutput*.txt in /var/folders/nh/8k546jq14l5gnwkjgxvch8180000gn/T/simphony_model_1651246794058/instance_1
From what I have seen, there could be four issues why a model doesn't work in batch when it works normally.
- It doesn't self-terminate.
However, I am certain my model does this, it terminates as soon as all passengers are seated, and I know it does this in all normal runs.
- Display elements
I have removed the display, and have no display elements in my simulation
- Model output
My model output is written to a file ModelOutput.txt, with the same name each time, and it works fine when running normally.
- External libraries
This is what I believe might be the issue. The only libraries I am importing are standard java libraries such as java.util.Random or java.util.list, as well as a lot of repast libraries. Could any of these be the issue? If so, how do I move them somewhere else while still being able to access them? I saw something about moving them into the lib directory but didn't quite understand how.
Thank you for any help!
使用JRE&GT时会导致此错误; 11。(请注意,进行批处理时,使用路径中的第一个“ Java”,这可能不是Eclipse使用的。)
The arguments specified there can在批处理运行GUI中的JVM参数文本框中添加。
This error results when using a JRE > 11. (Note that when doing a batch run, the first "java" in the PATH is used which may not be what Eclipse is using.)
See the FAQ entry here for a solution:
The arguments specified there can be added in the JVM Arguments text box in the batch run GUI.