("1F9AE") -> "
For context, I'm trying to create a mapping from string code points to emojis and need to know if the system supports the emoji:
("1F9AE") -> "????"
("1FAE0") -> "????" (iOS 15.4+) / nil (if below 15.4, since it would show as "????")
("1F415-200D-1F9BA") -> "????????"
("1F415-1F9BA") -> nil (since it would normally be "????????", which isn't a single emoji)
I've gotten this to work with the single code point case with:
func emoji(for codepoint: String) -> String? {
guard let int = Int(codepoint, radix: 16),
let scalar = UnicodeScalar(int),
else { return nil }
return String(scalar)
However, I can't figure out what the corresponding check for isEmoji
with multiple code points would be.
// assume I had to make these scalars via a `String`
let scalars = [UnicodeScalar(0x1F415)!, UnicodeScalar(0x200D)!, UnicodeScalar(0x1F9BA)!]
let scalarView = String.UnicodeScalarView(scalars)
// How can I check that this `UnicodeScalarView` is for single, supported emoji, since I can't check `isEmoji`?
For example, "1FAE0-1F3FD"
should be nil
, since it's not a single emoji ("????????"
). However, in future versions, the melting face might work with skin variation, in which case it should return that single valid emoji.
根据表情符号14.0's isemoji 返回
According to Emoji 14.0's data files, an emoji is either a basic emoji, a keycap sequence, a flag, a modifier sequence, or a ZWJ sequence. In each of those cases, there will be at least one code point in the sequence for which
, and the sequence will form a single glyph.So, you should make a string out of the unicode scalars first:
Then, you can check if it is a emoji like this:
Alternatively, since you just want to check if the emoji can be displayed properly, you can use
to see if Apple Color Emoji supports the characters.Note that both of these methods will return false positives (non-emojis like ASCII letters being reported as emojis), but will not return false negatives.