Groovy参数到Shell脚本 通过Groovy变量到Shell Script 读取文件到变量shell脚本 詹金斯 如何将Groovy Variable传递给Jenkinsfile中的shold script /a>
问题: 我想从Groovy变量中读取价值并将其传递给Shell脚本,但是我要么获得空白值,
def Tenant_Instances = ''
//some more declarations and code
Tenant_Instances = "author.${ciTenant},publish.${ciTenant}"
println("tenant instance are -"+Tenant_Instances) //value coming fine here
//some code here
println("tenant instance again are -"+Tenant_Instances) //values coming fine here too
sh '''#!/bin/bash
echo "[MNR] - Beginning deployment of bundle(s) to AEM Package Manager"
IFS="," read -ra INSTANCES <<< $Tenant_Instances
echo "demo ${INSTANCES}" -->here value does not come properly
我尝试用'tenant_instances'替换tenant_instances'或“ $ {tenant_instances}”或$ {tenant_instances}”或“ $ tenant_instances” ...但似乎都没有用。
I am new to shell and groovy and I have already googled and read solutions below, but none of it seems to be working
Groovy parameter to shell script
Pass groovy variable to shell script
read file to variable shell script
How to pass a groovy variable to a shell block jenkins
How to pass groovy variable to shell script in Jenkinsfile?
I want to read value from the groovy variable and pass it to shell script but either I get blank value or the literal variable name
Below is my code:
def Tenant_Instances = ''
//some more declarations and code
Tenant_Instances = "author.${ciTenant},publish.${ciTenant}"
println("tenant instance are -"+Tenant_Instances) //value coming fine here
//some code here
println("tenant instance again are -"+Tenant_Instances) //values coming fine here too
sh '''#!/bin/bash
echo "[MNR] - Beginning deployment of bundle(s) to AEM Package Manager"
IFS="," read -ra INSTANCES <<< $Tenant_Instances
echo "demo ${INSTANCES}" -->here value does not come properly
I have tried replacing Tenant_Instances with 'Tenant_Instances' or "${Tenant_Instances}" or $Tenant_Instances or '$Tenant_Instances'... but none of it seem to work.
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