Get-AzRoleAssignment | Where-object -Property Displayname -eq $null
...将使我无关的身份而掌握这些角色,而且似乎有效,但是Azure Docs并没有真正保证这将涵盖所有案例。
If you assign a role in Azure and later delete the identity before you delete the role assignment, you wind up with an "Identity not found." condition. It's harmless, but it takes up a role assignment slot and clutters the role assignments list. I would like to find and delete these.
I am thinking that this:
Get-AzRoleAssignment | Where-object -Property Displayname -eq $null
...will get me those roles without an associated identity, and it seems to work, but the Azure docs don't really create much of an assurance that this will cover all cases.
Should I add something else to this? Or is there a better way of finding these roles assignments?
Turns out this is the way to identify these orphaned role assignments, albeit indirectly. However, you will not be able to remove these orphaned role assignments unless you have the permission to get to all of them.
This could be modified to do all orphaned role assignments, regardless of which role it is, but here's the bulk of work I put into a pipeline that takes some parameters.
I used this post as a starting point. I chose to NOT iterate over subscriptions (It's a parameter in my pipeline).
Using powershell task in pipeline yaml:
Note that according to documentation, ObjectId (or SignInName/ServicePrincipalName), RoleDefinitionName, and Scope are required.