斑马ZPL代码128 SSCC编码逃生字符
我需要使用Zebra ZPL打印SSCC代码128条形码。我的问题是,所使用的逃生字符也编码在条形码中,这不应该发生。
序列&gt ;; 8 < / code>是逃生 /控制序列,在条形码中被编码。因此,当我使用扫描仪阅读条形码时,我会得到:
&gt ;; 800xxxxxx ....
I need to print a SSCC Code 128 barcode using Zebra ZPL. My problem is that the escape characters used are also encoded in the barcode, which should not happen.
Here is the code:
The sequence >;>8
, which is the escape / control sequence, gets encoded in the barcode. So when I read the barcode with a scanner, I get: >;>800xxxxxx....
What am I missing here?
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将其作为答案。您正在使用自动模式(<代码>^bc 命令的末端的a)。自动模式禁用逃生序列,因为它应用了自己的移位/闩锁逻辑。使用模式n(无)允许手动编码数据。
Reposting this as an answer. You are using Automatic mode (the A at the end of the
command). Automatic mode disables escape sequences since it applies its own shift/latch logic. Use mode N (None) to allow manually encoding the data.