
发布于 2025-01-24 14:16:12 字数 8862 浏览 2 评论 0原文


| CustomerID | Fname    | Mname | Lname | Contact_no  | Address                     | Valid_id | Credit_Limit |
|          7 | John     | Dale  | Doe   | 09123654789 || NULL     |     5000.000 |
|          8 | Jane     | Dale  | Doe   | 09987654123 |  | NULL     |     1500.000 |
|         91 | Kurdapya | Buang | Selos | 09741258963 |  | NULL     |     5000.000 |


| OrderID | CustomerID | DateOfPurchase | Discount | DueDate    |
|      82 |          7 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      83 |         91 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      84 |          8 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      85 |         91 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      86 |          7 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      87 |         91 | 2022-04-18     | 0        | 2022-05-18 |
|     109 |          7 | 2022-04-25     | 0        | 2022-05-25 |


| PaymentID | CustomerID | OrderID | PayDate    | Amount   |
|        20 |          7 |      82 | 2022-04-25 |  800.000 |
|        21 |         91 |      83 | 2022-04-17 | 2500.000 |
|        22 |         91 |      85 | 2022-04-17 |  200.000 |
|        23 |         95 |      88 | 2022-04-18 | 2122.000 |
|        24 |         96 |      90 | 2022-04-25 |  577.000 |
|        25 |         97 |     111 | 2022-04-25 |    0.000 |
|        26 |         98 |     114 | 2022-04-25 |  166.000 |
|        27 |         99 |     115 | 2022-04-25 | 1740.000 |


| OR_ID | OrderID | ProductID | QTY  |
|   173 |      82 |         5 |    1 |
|   174 |      82 |         9 |    1 |
|   184 |      86 |         5 |    1 |
|   185 |      86 |         9 |    1 |
|   186 |      86 |        13 |    1 |
|   187 |      86 |        17 |    1 |
|   224 |     109 |         3 |    3 |
|   225 |     109 |         6 |    3 |
|   292 |     145 |        20 |    2 |
|   293 |     145 |        12 |    1 |
|   294 |     145 |         8 |    2 |
|   295 |     146 |        14 |    1 |
|   296 |     146 |        11 |    1 |
|   297 |     146 |        12 |    1 |
|   298 |     146 |         3 |    1 |
|   299 |     146 |         6 |    1 |
|   300 |     146 |         7 |    1 |
|   301 |     146 |        16 |    1 |


| ProductID | Pname         | Pdesc                 | PUnitPrice | weight    | Unit |
|         2 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    313.000 | 1 Litre   |   12 |
|         3 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    231.000 | 750 ML    |   12 |
|         4 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    620.000 | 1.5 Litre |   12 |
|         5 | Mirinda       | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    620.000 | 1.5 Litre |   12 |
|         6 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    620.000 | 1.5 Litre |   12 |
|         7 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|         8 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|         9 | Mirinda       | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|        10 | 7up           | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|        11 | Sting         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    266.000 | 240 ml    |   24 |
|        12 | Tropicana     | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    266.000 | 240 ml    |   24 |
|        13 | Cobra         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    266.000 | 240 ml    |   24 |
|        14 | Sting         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    166.000 | 300 ml    |   12 |
|        15 | Cobra         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    166.000 | 300 ml    |   12 |
|        16 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    135.000 | 295 ml    |   12 |
|        17 | Mirinda       | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    135.000 | 295 ml    |   12 |
|        18 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    135.000 | 295 ml    |   12 |
|        19 | Ginebra       | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    129.000 | 350 ml    |   24 |
|        20 | San Mig Light | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |   1070.000 | 330 ml    |   24 |
|        21 | Red Horse     | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    535.000 | 500 ml    |   12 |
|        22 | Red Horse     | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    545.000 | 1 Litre   |    6 |




| unpaid | paid | Fname | Mname | Lname | Contact_no  | Address                     | Credit_Limit | total    |
| 2995   | 6014 | John  | Dale  | Doe   | 09123654789 |.                   |     5000.000 | 9009.000 |



第1尝试: 我正在尝试计算未付订单,这是输出

    if(py.Amount IS NULL, sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice), CONCAT(py.Amount - sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice))) as remarks, 
    c.Fname, c.Mname, c.Lname, c.Contact_no, c.Address, c.Credit_Limit, 
    sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice) as total 
from customer c INNER JOIN orders r on r.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
INNER join order_details od on r.OrderID=od.OrderID 
INNER JOIN product p on od.ProductID = p.ProductID 
join payment py 
where c.CustomerID=7 


| remarks     | Fname | Mname | Lname | Contact_no  | Address                     | Credit_Limit | total      |
| -134335.000 | John  | Dale  | Doe   | 09123654789 |                       |     5000.000 | 135135.000 |


SELECT IF(py.OrderID IS NULL, sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice), 0) AS unpaid,
if(py.OrderID IS NOT NULL, sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice), 0) as paid,
sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice) as total,
O.OrderID, O.CustomerID, date_format(O.DateOfPurchase, '%M %d, %Y') AS DateOfPurchase, date_format(O.DueDate, '%M %d, %Y') AS DueDate
from Orders O INNER JOIN order_details od on od.OrderID=O.OrderID
INNER JOIN product p ON od.ProductID=p.ProductID
LEFT JOIN Payment py ON py.OrderID = O.OrderID
where O.CustomerID = 7
GROUP by O.OrderID
ORDER by O.OrderID desc

尝试2的结果2 :

| unpaid   | paid     | total    | OrderID | CustomerID | DateOfPurchase | DueDate      |
| 1829.000 |    0.000 | 1829.000 |     146 |          7 | April 27, 2022 | May 27, 2022 |
|    0.000 | 2696.000 | 2696.000 |     145 |          7 | April 27, 2022 | May 27, 2022 |
|    0.000 | 2553.000 | 2553.000 |     109 |          7 | April 25, 2022 | May 25, 2022 |
| 1166.000 |    0.000 | 1166.000 |      86 |          7 | April 17, 2022 | May 17, 2022 |
|    0.000 |  765.000 |  765.000 |      82 |          7 | April 17, 2022 | May 17, 2022 |



| CustomerID | Fname    | Mname | Lname | Contact_no  | Address                     | Valid_id | Credit_Limit |
|          7 | John     | Dale  | Doe   | 09123654789 || NULL     |     5000.000 |
|          8 | Jane     | Dale  | Doe   | 09987654123 |  | NULL     |     1500.000 |
|         91 | Kurdapya | Buang | Selos | 09741258963 |  | NULL     |     5000.000 |


| OrderID | CustomerID | DateOfPurchase | Discount | DueDate    |
|      82 |          7 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      83 |         91 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      84 |          8 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      85 |         91 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      86 |          7 | 2022-04-17     | 0        | 2022-05-17 |
|      87 |         91 | 2022-04-18     | 0        | 2022-05-18 |
|     109 |          7 | 2022-04-25     | 0        | 2022-05-25 |


| PaymentID | CustomerID | OrderID | PayDate    | Amount   |
|        20 |          7 |      82 | 2022-04-25 |  800.000 |
|        21 |         91 |      83 | 2022-04-17 | 2500.000 |
|        22 |         91 |      85 | 2022-04-17 |  200.000 |
|        23 |         95 |      88 | 2022-04-18 | 2122.000 |
|        24 |         96 |      90 | 2022-04-25 |  577.000 |
|        25 |         97 |     111 | 2022-04-25 |    0.000 |
|        26 |         98 |     114 | 2022-04-25 |  166.000 |
|        27 |         99 |     115 | 2022-04-25 | 1740.000 |


| OR_ID | OrderID | ProductID | QTY  |
|   173 |      82 |         5 |    1 |
|   174 |      82 |         9 |    1 |
|   184 |      86 |         5 |    1 |
|   185 |      86 |         9 |    1 |
|   186 |      86 |        13 |    1 |
|   187 |      86 |        17 |    1 |
|   224 |     109 |         3 |    3 |
|   225 |     109 |         6 |    3 |
|   292 |     145 |        20 |    2 |
|   293 |     145 |        12 |    1 |
|   294 |     145 |         8 |    2 |
|   295 |     146 |        14 |    1 |
|   296 |     146 |        11 |    1 |
|   297 |     146 |        12 |    1 |
|   298 |     146 |         3 |    1 |
|   299 |     146 |         6 |    1 |
|   300 |     146 |         7 |    1 |
|   301 |     146 |        16 |    1 |

I don't know if this is needed but this is my PRODUCT TABLE:

| ProductID | Pname         | Pdesc                 | PUnitPrice | weight    | Unit |
|         2 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    313.000 | 1 Litre   |   12 |
|         3 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    231.000 | 750 ML    |   12 |
|         4 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    620.000 | 1.5 Litre |   12 |
|         5 | Mirinda       | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    620.000 | 1.5 Litre |   12 |
|         6 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    620.000 | 1.5 Litre |   12 |
|         7 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|         8 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|         9 | Mirinda       | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|        10 | 7up           | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    145.000 | 8 oz      |   24 |
|        11 | Sting         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    266.000 | 240 ml    |   24 |
|        12 | Tropicana     | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    266.000 | 240 ml    |   24 |
|        13 | Cobra         | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    266.000 | 240 ml    |   24 |
|        14 | Sting         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    166.000 | 300 ml    |   12 |
|        15 | Cobra         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    166.000 | 300 ml    |   12 |
|        16 | Mountain Dew  | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    135.000 | 295 ml    |   12 |
|        17 | Mirinda       | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    135.000 | 295 ml    |   12 |
|        18 | Pepsi         | 1 Case Plastic Bottle |    135.000 | 295 ml    |   12 |
|        19 | Ginebra       | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    129.000 | 350 ml    |   24 |
|        20 | San Mig Light | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |   1070.000 | 330 ml    |   24 |
|        21 | Red Horse     | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    535.000 | 500 ml    |   12 |
|        22 | Red Horse     | 1 Case Glass Bottle   |    545.000 | 1 Litre   |    6 |


I want show all the paid order of customerID 7 and his unpaid orders in one row only. I don't know how to start it with a query. Should I use an If() condition? How to properly query it to achieve my desire output?

My Desired OUTPUT:

| unpaid | paid | Fname | Mname | Lname | Contact_no  | Address                     | Credit_Limit | total    |
| 2995   | 6014 | John  | Dale  | Doe   | 09123654789 |.                   |     5000.000 | 9009.000 |



1st attempt:
I am trying to calculate the unpaid order and this is the output:

    if(py.Amount IS NULL, sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice), CONCAT(py.Amount - sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice))) as remarks, 
    c.Fname, c.Mname, c.Lname, c.Contact_no, c.Address, c.Credit_Limit, 
    sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice) as total 
from customer c INNER JOIN orders r on r.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
INNER join order_details od on r.OrderID=od.OrderID 
INNER JOIN product p on od.ProductID = p.ProductID 
join payment py 
where c.CustomerID=7 


| remarks     | Fname | Mname | Lname | Contact_no  | Address                     | Credit_Limit | total      |
| -134335.000 | John  | Dale  | Doe   | 09123654789 |                       |     5000.000 | 135135.000 |

2nd attempt:

SELECT IF(py.OrderID IS NULL, sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice), 0) AS unpaid,
if(py.OrderID IS NOT NULL, sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice), 0) as paid,
sum(od.QTY * p.PUnitPrice) as total,
O.OrderID, O.CustomerID, date_format(O.DateOfPurchase, '%M %d, %Y') AS DateOfPurchase, date_format(O.DueDate, '%M %d, %Y') AS DueDate
from Orders O INNER JOIN order_details od on od.OrderID=O.OrderID
INNER JOIN product p ON od.ProductID=p.ProductID
LEFT JOIN Payment py ON py.OrderID = O.OrderID
where O.CustomerID = 7
GROUP by O.OrderID
ORDER by O.OrderID desc


| unpaid   | paid     | total    | OrderID | CustomerID | DateOfPurchase | DueDate      |
| 1829.000 |    0.000 | 1829.000 |     146 |          7 | April 27, 2022 | May 27, 2022 |
|    0.000 | 2696.000 | 2696.000 |     145 |          7 | April 27, 2022 | May 27, 2022 |
|    0.000 | 2553.000 | 2553.000 |     109 |          7 | April 25, 2022 | May 25, 2022 |
| 1166.000 |    0.000 | 1166.000 |      86 |          7 | April 17, 2022 | May 17, 2022 |
|    0.000 |  765.000 |  765.000 |      82 |          7 | April 17, 2022 | May 17, 2022 |

Note: How to sum all the rows in column paid and unpaid?

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眼中杀气 2025-01-31 14:16:12





        coalesce( PQ_Orders.TotalOrders, 0 ) TotalOrders,
        coalesce( PQ_Payments.TotalPaid, 0 ) TotalPayments,
        coalesce( PQ_Orders.TotalOrders, 0 )
            - coalesce( PQ_Payments.TotalPaid, 0 ) BalanceDue
        customer c 
            LEFT JOIN
            ( select
                    sum( od.qty * p.pUnitPrice ) TotalOrders
                    orders o
                        join order_details od
                            on o.orderID = od.orderID
                            join product p
                                on od.productid = p.productid
                    o.customerid = 7
                group by
                    o.customerID ) PQ_Orders
                on c.customerID = PQ_Orders.customerID
            LEFT JOIN
            ( select
                    sum( py.Amount ) TotalPaid
                    payments py
                    py.customerid = 7
                group by
                    py.customerid ) PQ_Payments
                on c.customerID = PQ_Payments.CustomerID
        c.CustomerID = 7 



以帮助澄清,让我们看看您的要求。对于单个客户,购买了多少东西。将其视为一个查询。根据订单详细信息和各自的产品价格,获取一个客户的所有订单,并将其汇总为客户分组。现在,客户的条款= 7仅仅是因为您与一个客户有关。但是,没有在哪里可以向所有客户展示他们各自的购买方式。您最多有(因为客户的群体ID),无论他们有1个订单,或274个订单。这是该客户的总数。

现在,付款的确切背景相同。我不在乎他们买东西什么或什么时候。我只关心给定客户的付款。类似地,无论有或没有客户ID = 7的位置,例如购买说明中。同样,每位客户的记录仅为1或75个付款,每个客户的记录1。




The way you are approaching the solution is obviously not working, hence you are asking for help. Your first query, you are joining to the payment table but no condition limiting to only payments for customer 7. This might coincidentally work out because there is only one payment record. But for customers with MORE than one,
your totals will get skewed via Cartesian product result.

What you should do is pre-aggregate purchased completely separate from payments so you will have AT MOST, a single record for the one customer you are looking for. Now, if you want to apply the results for ALL customers, that just gets a little extra and will cover later.

With each individually, prevents confusion of multiple clutterings going on.

In its SHORTEST, since you only care about the TOTALS Purchased vs Paid, I would NOT care about the totals per EACH order, just the totals per customer.

        coalesce( PQ_Orders.TotalOrders, 0 ) TotalOrders,
        coalesce( PQ_Payments.TotalPaid, 0 ) TotalPayments,
        coalesce( PQ_Orders.TotalOrders, 0 )
            - coalesce( PQ_Payments.TotalPaid, 0 ) BalanceDue
        customer c 
            LEFT JOIN
            ( select
                    sum( od.qty * p.pUnitPrice ) TotalOrders
                    orders o
                        join order_details od
                            on o.orderID = od.orderID
                            join product p
                                on od.productid = p.productid
                    o.customerid = 7
                group by
                    o.customerID ) PQ_Orders
                on c.customerID = PQ_Orders.customerID
            LEFT JOIN
            ( select
                    sum( py.Amount ) TotalPaid
                    payments py
                    py.customerid = 7
                group by
                    py.customerid ) PQ_Payments
                on c.customerID = PQ_Payments.CustomerID
        c.CustomerID = 7 

Now, if you want for ALL customers, just remove all the WHERE clauses so it gets ALL customers. Each respective inner query gets the customer ID as the data grouping, so if one person has 10 orders and 3 payments, you still have at the per PRE-QUERY (PQ) aggregations, only 1 entry per customer on orders and 1 entry per customer on payments. Joined back to the main customer table and its applied across-the-board to all.


To help clarify, lets look at what you are asking for. For a single customer, how much stuff was purchased. Think of that as one query. Get all order for that one customer, per the order details and the respective product price and sum it up grouped by the customer. Now the WHERE clause = 7 for the customer is just because you are about the ONE customer. But doing without the where would show ALL customers what all their respective purchases were. You would have AT MOST (because group by customerid) 1 record per customer regardless of them having 1 order, or 274 orders. Its the total for that customer.

Now, the same exact context for payments. I dont care what or when they purchased something. All I care about is payments made by a given customer. Similarly with or without the WHERE of customer ID = 7 as in purchases explanation. Again, resulting in a record of only 1 per customer regardless of 1 or 75 payments, 1 record per customer.

So now, you have a 1:1:1 possible ratio of 1 customer to 1 purchase to POSSIBLY 1 payment total.

The LEFT JOIN means, I want the thing to the left (customer), but OPTIONALLY may find something on the right (purchases AND/OR payments).

So the COALESCE() prevents nulls from tripping things up in the calculations. If there IS a value from the given pre-query of purchases or payments, get it, otherwise, assume zero. So you could get just the one customer in question, or by removing the WHERE clauses, you could get ALL customers with ALL their total purchases AND ALL their total payments for a full outstanding balance of ALL customers.

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