Windows 10中虚拟桌面的程序化控制10
我喜欢Windows 10现在可以支持内置的虚拟桌面,但是我有一些我想添加/修改的功能(例如,迫使窗口出现在所有台式机上,用热键启动任务视图, - Monitor桌面等。)
我应该从哪里开始?我正在寻找Windows API函数(理想情况下,可以从C#应用程序中调用),这将使我可以编程访问操作虚拟桌面及其Windows。
I love that Windows 10 now has support for virtual desktops built in, but I have some features that I'd like to add/modify (e.g., force a window to appear on all desktops, launch the task view with a hotkey, have per-monitor desktops, etc.)
I have searched for applications and developer references to help me customize my desktops, but I have had no luck.
Where should I start? I am looking for Windows API functions (ideally, that are callable from a C# application) that will give me programmatic access to manipulate virtual desktops and the windows therein.
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Windows SDK支持团队博客发布 c#c#c#demo to switch desktops 通过ivirtirualdesktopmanager:
The Windows SDK Support Team Blog posted a C# demo to switch Desktops via IVirtualDesktopManager:
it includes the API to detect on which desktop the Window is shown and it can switch and move a Windows the a Desktop.
对虚拟桌面功能的程序化访问非常有限,因为Microsoft仅暴露了 ivirtualdesktopmanager com接口。它确实提供了两个关键功能:
ivirtualdesktopmanager :: getwindowdesktopid
允许您根据已经分配给该桌面的窗口来检索虚拟桌面的ID。ivirtualdesktopmanager :: moveWindowTodesKtop
要使用代码,请创建一个新的C#类库项目。我将首先发布cominterop.cs,其中包含符合Nickotin的C ++声明的COM接口声明:
最后我用来测试代码的一个Little Test Winforms项目。只需将4个按钮放在一个表单上,然后将其命名为buttonleft/右/创建/破坏:
Programmatic access to the virtual desktop feature is very limited, as Microsoft has only exposed the IVirtualDesktopManager COM interface. It does provide two key functions:
allows you to retrieve the ID of a virtual desktop, based on a window that is already assigned to that desktop.IVirtualDesktopManager::MoveWindowToDesktop
allows you to move a window to a specific virtual desktop.Unfortunately, this is not nearly enough to accomplish anything useful. I've written some C# code based on the reverse-engineering work done by NickoTin. I can't read much of the Russian in his blog post, but his C++ code was pretty accurate.
I do need to emphasize that this code is not something you want to commit to in a product. Microsoft always feels free to change undocumented APIs whenever they feel like it. And there is a runtime risk as well: this code does not necessarily interact well when the user is tinkering with the virtual desktops. Always keep in mind that a virtual desktop can appear and disappear at any time, completely out of sync with your code.
To use the code, create a new C# class library project. I'll first post ComInterop.cs, it contains the COM interface declarations that match NickoTin's C++ declarations:
Next is Desktop.cs. It contains the friendly C# classes that you can use in your code:
And finally a little test WinForms project that I used to test the code. Just drop 4 buttons on a form and name them buttonLeft/Right/Create/Destroy:
The only real quirk I noticed while testing this is that moving a window from one desktop to another can move it to the bottom of the Z-order when you first switch the desktop, then move the window. No such problem if you do it the other way around.
他有一个博客,可以解释自己的所作所为 (您可以使用Google翻译是日语
)实际上,在Alberto Tostado响应中使用了相同的API。
可以在这里找到第二个实现: https ://
这个可以将窗口从另一个进程移动到另一个桌面。但这现在是越野车。对于当我尝试像Google Chrome一样移动一些窗口时,它会崩溃。
There is this guy that made a application to map keyboard shorcut to move a window between virtual desktop.
(I use it every day )
He has a blog where he explain what he did ( you can use google translate it is in japanese)
He in fact used the same api mantionned in the Alberto Tostado response.
and the api can be found on his github
The api is really simple to use BUT it seems impossible to move a window from another process.
To workaround this problem they made another implementation that they use alongside the one in the russian blog
The second implementation can be found here:
This one can move a window from another process to another desktop. BUT it is buggy right now. For exemple when i try to move some window like google chrome it crash.
So this is the result of my research. I m rigth now trying to make a StickyWindow feature with these api.
我担心Windows 10中关于“虚拟桌面”的所有内容都没有证明,但是在俄罗斯页面中,我看到的记录了界面。我不会说俄语,但似乎他们使用了反向工程。无论如何,代码非常清楚(感谢它们!)。
在这里关注: 查看旧的API的CreateSktop,OpenDesktop等...链接到新的Virtual-Desktops,但没有办法...
接口与Windows 10(2015-05-08)的最终生产版本一起使用,但是您在Microsoft记录它们之前,不应在真正的宽分布式应用程序中使用它们。风险太多。
I fear that all about "Virtual desktops" in Windows 10 is undocumented, but in a Russian page I've seen documented the interfaces. I don't speak Russian but seems that they have used reversed engineering. Anyway, the code is very clear (Thanks to them!).
Keep an eye here:
I've been trying to see if the old API's CreateDesktop, OpenDesktop, etc... is linked to the new Virtual-Desktops, but no way...
The interfaces work with the final production release of Windows 10 (2015-05-08), but you shouldn't use them in a real wide distributed application until Microsoft documents them. Too much risk.
然后,您可以使用Windows API MoveWindowTodeSktop函数作为MagicAndRe1981的答案中的Windows API MoveWindowTodEsktop函数,将窗口愉快地移动到特定的台式机。
You can enumerate the virtual desktop GUIDs from the registry key
To supplement magicandre1981's excellent answer above, you may need to know the desktops in advance and their related Guids without knowing which TopWindow is on which desktop.
An example how to do this.
First I create a class to hold the information for each virtual desktop:
Then here is an example method to fill a List of VirtualDesktop instances:
Then you can happily move your windows around to specific desktops using the Windows API MoveWindowToDesktop function as in magicandre1981's answer.