打开对话时,AndroidStudio(北极狐狸| 2020.3.1)获得越来越多的深灰色条。当我打开对话框时,出现了一个灰色条出现的问题。灰色条没有响应单击。重新启动AndroidStudio可以正常工作,但是当我专注于工作时,我必须停止工作以重新启动它。更新到最新版本的AndroidStudio无法正常工作。我该怎么做才能删除所有这些条?
AndroidStudio(Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1) get more and more dark grey bars when opening dialogs. When I open a dialog, something wrong happened that a grey bar appears. Grey bars have no response to click. Restart AndroidStudio can work, but this bothers me when I focus on work, I have to stop working to restart it. Updating to newest version of AndroidStudio can not work. What can I do to remove all these bars?
Log file link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vdjrjm8mn717hbd/idea.log?dl=0