cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
project(<project-name> C)
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})
find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
add_executable(<project-name> <source-files>)
target_link_libraries(<project-name> ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
// All the header inclusions
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Initialisation.
double start_time;
ushort number_of_palindromes = 0;
ushort palindrome_length = 5;
ushort rows = 25000;
ushort cols = 25000;
char **matrix = create_matrix_of_chars(rows, cols);
printf("Matrix of size %dx%d, searching for palindromes of size %d.\n", rows, cols, palindrome_length);
// Run sequentially.
printf("%-45s", "Running sequentially ... ");
start_time = omp_get_wtime();
number_of_palindromes = find_palindromes_sequentially(matrix, rows, cols, palindrome_length);
printf("Found %4d palindromes in %7.4f seconds.\n", number_of_palindromes, omp_get_wtime() - start_time);
// Run using OpenMP.
printf("Running with OpenMP on %d %-20s", omp_get_num_procs(), "threads ... ");
start_time = omp_get_wtime();
number_of_palindromes = find_palindromes_using_openmp(matrix, rows, cols, palindrome_length);
printf("Found %4d palindromes in %7.4f seconds.\n", number_of_palindromes, omp_get_wtime() - start_time);
// Run using MPI.
int num_procs, rank;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
printf("%d: hello (p=%d)\n", rank, num_procs);
// Cleanup and exit.
free_matrix(matrix, rows);
return 0;
运行./& lt; project-name&gt;
顺序和OpenMP版本正确地运行一个。但是,运行mpirun -us-use-hwthread-cpus ./& lt; project-name&gt;
I am currently working on an assignment for my parallel programming class in which I need to write the same program sequentially, then parallelized using OpenMP then parallelized using MPI.
For context, the assignment is about searching for palindromes in a matrix of random characters. I already have most of the code working, my question is about how to structure, compile and run the project.
I could create three separate programs and run them independently, but I would like to combine them all in the same project so the three versions run one after the other and on the same initial matrix. This allows me to time each version to compare them.
I am using CMake as the build tool.
My CMakeLists.txt :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
project(<project-name> C)
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})
find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
add_executable(<project-name> <source-files>)
target_link_libraries(<project-name> ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
I build the project using the following commands
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
My main function :
// All the header inclusions
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Initialisation.
double start_time;
ushort number_of_palindromes = 0;
ushort palindrome_length = 5;
ushort rows = 25000;
ushort cols = 25000;
char **matrix = create_matrix_of_chars(rows, cols);
printf("Matrix of size %dx%d, searching for palindromes of size %d.\n", rows, cols, palindrome_length);
// Run sequentially.
printf("%-45s", "Running sequentially ... ");
start_time = omp_get_wtime();
number_of_palindromes = find_palindromes_sequentially(matrix, rows, cols, palindrome_length);
printf("Found %4d palindromes in %7.4f seconds.\n", number_of_palindromes, omp_get_wtime() - start_time);
// Run using OpenMP.
printf("Running with OpenMP on %d %-20s", omp_get_num_procs(), "threads ... ");
start_time = omp_get_wtime();
number_of_palindromes = find_palindromes_using_openmp(matrix, rows, cols, palindrome_length);
printf("Found %4d palindromes in %7.4f seconds.\n", number_of_palindromes, omp_get_wtime() - start_time);
// Run using MPI.
int num_procs, rank;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
printf("%d: hello (p=%d)\n", rank, num_procs);
// Cleanup and exit.
free_matrix(matrix, rows);
return 0;
When running ./<project-name>
the sequential and OpenMP versions run one after the other correctly. However, when running mpirun --use-hwthread-cpus ./<project-name>
the program starts 8 instances of the entire project (the line "Matrix of size ..." gets printed 8 times).
My understanding was that the MPI region is delimited by MPI_Init(...)
and MPI_Finalize()
but that does not seem to be the case. How would I go about solving this ?
Thanking you in advance for your answers.
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没有“ MPI区域”之类的东西。 MPI使用仅通过网络通信/同步的独立过程。含义:您的整个可执行文件在您启动的许多实例中运行。每个语句甚至在
之前都由每个实例执行。There is no such thing as an "MPI region". MPI uses independent process that only communicate/synchronize through the network. Meaning: the whole of your executable run in as many instances as you start it. Each and every statement, even before
is executed by each and every instance.这可能会有几个含义:
坏主意。多个MPI流程将运行您的程序,并且您将无法获得准确的时机(即,即使您可以使用代码与设置的代码一起使用)进行线程的工作份额。 (我假设您打算将共享内存并行性的组成部分计时,即线程而不是过程,因为您使用
>)以达到最接近的<< em>实际每种方法的时间安排,理想情况下,您希望将三个程序分开并分别为自己,要么使用某些内部功能调用,例如
mpi_wtime()代码> MPI等级的OMP_GET_WTIME()
mpi_init(),指定您所需的方式来进行多线程(三个选项)。有关这些级别的更多信息,请检查文档对于您想要的选项。 (对于您的情况,我建议使用汇合的配置)
#if parametername ==&lt; value&gt;中来包含三种方法。 ... #endif
block,以便根据您指定并可以设置的参数,一次仅运行一种方法(或两种方法(或两种)(或两种)当您编译时(添加-d&lt; parametername&gt; =&lt; value&gt;
)时。This could have several implications:
(you can for example, make the process with rank 0 run the sequential version in your program using MPI but this will lead to inaccurate timings for your parallelized code, and heavy load imbalance with rank 0 doing much more work) for your version with MPI, and have no OpenMP directives for one separate instance of the code which does whatever you're trying to parallelize in your program using OpenMP.Based on what you're exactly trying to achieve, you will need to think and tweak your code (with an added configuration for the third case, which I'll come to soon).
Bad idea. Multiple MPI processes will be running your program, and you wouldn't get the accurate timing (i.e., assuming even if you get your code to work with the setup you got) for a thread's share of work. (I'm assuming you intend to time the components of shared-memory parallelism, i.e. the threads and not the processes, given that you're using
)To get to the closest of the actual timings for each approach, you would ideally want to have the three programs separate and time them each to their own, either using some internal function calls such as
for MPI ranks (might want to do a reduction such asMPI_MAX
on top of that) and OpenMP threads respectively, or use some external tool that can measure the time, such asperf
(ideal if you want to time the entire program instead of a particular section in your code) which you can incorporate in your binary execution statement in your makefile.But if you really want to use both and go for the hybrid setup, then you would have to supply the level of thread support as an added argument in your call to
, specifying your desired way to go about multi-threading (three options for this) with processes. For more information on these levels, check the documentation for the option you would want to go with. (for your case, I would recommend the funneled configuration)You could also write your program in a clever way that incorporates all of the three approaches by emplacing each within a
#if parameterName==<value> ... #endif
block, so as to run only one approach (or maybe two, depending on how you go about it) at a time, based on a parameter which you specify and can set (have different values for the different blocks) when you compile (adding-D<parameterName>=<value>
to your other compilation flags).