- 我找不到可以代表用户发送请求的API
- 如果我删除了我的尽头存储的令牌,然后用户再次尝试将其Microsoft帐户与我们的网站连接起来,它将不再要求用户的同意(OAuth的基本要求)提供访问我们的应用程序(如果用户在Microsoft中登录用户,则在浏览器上,他/她看不到同意页面,帐户与我们的网站直接连接,我们获得了刷新/访问令牌)。
I have integrated microsoft teams in my project where a user can give us access to create meetings on teams on his/her behalf. But now I want to give the user a option to disconnect his/her account i.e. we will no longer be able to create meetings on user's behalf.
I am facing few problems in this flow:
- I am unable to find an API where I can send request on user's behalf
to invalidate a access/refresh token.
- If I remove the token stored at my end and then user again tries to connect their Microsoft account with our website it no longer asks for user's consent(which is basic requirement for OAuth) to give access to our app(if user is logged in Microsoft account on the browser he/she do not see the consent page and account is directly connected with our website and we get the refresh/access token).
Can someone help me on this?
At the end all what I want is when user tries again to connect his/her Microsoft account with our app he/she see the consent page(every time he tries to connect account) and then user clicks the allow button which will give us access and refresh token.
strips = oauth2 uri Prameters中的
:= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&state = xxx = xxx = xxx& ↑↑
An alternative solution for prompting the user to the consent page is just simply appending the
in the OAuth2 URI prameters:https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=xxx&redirect_uri=xxx&scope=xxx&state=xxx&access_type=offline&prompt=consent
Here you can find the documentation about the parameters.
如果用户授予对应用程序的访问权限,则Azure AD将向资源发布访问令牌和刷新令牌。
1)要代表用户无效访问令牌,请参阅此 doc 。
2)用于使用刷新令牌获取访问令牌,请参阅此 doc 。
If the user has granted access to the application, Azure AD will issue an access token and a refresh token for the resource.
The lifetime of the access token is usually about 1 hour. During its lifetime, even if the application is deleted, it is still available, but you will not be able to use the refresh token to obtain the access token again.
1)To invalidate access token on users behalf, Refer this DOC.
2)For fetching the access token using the refresh token please refer this DOC.
Hope this helpful.
请参阅 MSGRAPH端点。
使用此问题的一种简单方法是与 Microsoft Graph Explorer
以撤销自己的令牌,https://graph.microsoft.com/v1 .0/用户/{userId}/revokeSignInsessions
See the revokeSignInSessions MSGraph endpoint.
You can revoke all refresh tokens for the signed-in user or another user by id.
An easy way to use this is with the Microsoft Graph Explorer:
to revoke your own tokens,https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{userId}/revokeSignInSessions
to revoke another user's tokens.Beware, this does not invalidate access tokens, which are not designed to be invalidated. Applications will still have access until their access token expires.