我是Snowflake的新手,试图将文件放在S3存储桶中并通过SQL事件通知 Snowpipe
步骤-1:在Snowflake 中创建一个表
Create Table Customer_notification(ID varchar(10),name varchar(25));
step -2:创建一个文件格式
创建或替换文件格式csv_notification type ='csv'compression ='auto'field_delimiter =','record_delimiter ='\ n skip_header = 1 field_optionally_enclosed_by ='\ 042'null_if =('\\ n'\ \ n'
创建stage customer_notification_s3 url ='s3:// snow-flake-test/contaiuldataload/customernotification/'recortentials =(aws_key_id ='*********'aws_secret_keykey ='******************************************************************************************************************************************* ***')file_format = csv_notification注释='feed sustomernotification files';
step -4:创建管道
创建或替换pipe custome_notification_notification_pipe auto_ingest = true as as as as as as as as aS copy_notification in @cultines_notification_s3 file_s3 file_s3 file_s3 file_format = csv_notification = csv_notification = csv_notificative =' customNotification。
* -ARN:AWS:SQS:us-east-2:306559659303:sf-snowpipe-aidauoydbfut7y5dfhk4k-rdvaoumamjyd8diwas1eww
spep -6:打开 aws aws s3 bucce通知 。
事件名称 - customer_notification
前缀 - 可选-Snow -Flake -Test/连续Dataload
/ customernotification
suffix/suffix-可选 - .csv
事件类型 - 所有对象创建事件
目标 - 选定的SQS队列
Enter SQS队列ARN
eventification notification>
abovesteps 连续dataload / customernotification
注意:我处于角色 AccountAadmin
I am new to Snowflake, Trying to notify the snowpipe
when a file is placed in a s3 bucket and thru SQL event Notification the snowpipe
needs to load the data into the respective table.
Below are the steps I have followed.
Step -1: created a table in Snowflake
create table Customer_Notification (Id Varchar(10),Name Varchar(25) );
Step -2: Created a File Format
create or replace file format csv_Notification type = 'csv' compression = 'auto' field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1 field_optionally_enclosed_by = '\042' null_if = ('\\N');
Step - 3: Created an external Stage
create stage Customer_Notification_S3 url = 's3://snow-flake-test/ContinuousDataLoad/CustomerNotification/' CREDENTIALS = (AWS_KEY_ID = '*******' AWS_SECRET_KEY = '**********') file_format = csv_Notification comment = 'feed CustomerNotification files';
Step - 4: Create Pipe
create or replace pipe Customer_Notification_pipe auto_ingest = true as copy into customer_Notification from @Customer_Notification_S3 file_format = csv_Notification pattern='.*customernotification.*[.]csv' ON_ERROR = 'CONTINUE';
Step - 5 : Get the ARN Number
show pipes; -- arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:306559659303:sf-snowpipe-AIDAUOYDBFUT7Y5DFHK4K-RdvAOUMAMjYD8diWaS1eWw
Step -6 : Open aws
S3 bucket in the parent folder, click on properties to create an even notification .
Event name - customer_notification
Prefix - optional - snow-flake-test/ContinuousDataLoad
Suffix - optional - .csv
Event types - All object create events
Destination - Selected SQS queue
Enter SQS queue ARN
SQS queue - arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:306559659303:sf-snowpipe-AIDAUOYDBFUT7Y5DFHK4K-RdvAOUMAMjYD8diWaS1eWw
Finally Saved the Event Notification
I have followed the abovesteps
, even after this, when a file is placed in the respective snow-flake-test/ContinuousDataLoad
/ folder the pipe is not picking the file and not loading it.
checked the pipe status too , it is in running state.
NOTE : I am in a role Accountaadmin
Could anyone please help me to figure out what is missing.
I realise this question is old so you may have a solution already, but thought I'd share my findings. I am facing similar issues and came across this article that may help: https://community.snowflake.com/s/article/Autoingest-not-working-for-Snowpipe.
I believe the issue is that you have a leading forward slash in the prefix name. Try removing the leading forward slash in the prefix.