public class Loadout // used to save a players loadout on the server
public string name;
public float loadoutID;
public SO_Admiral admiral;
public FM_ShipSave[] shipsInTheLoadout;
public bool selectedLoadout;
public Loadout(string _name, FM_ShipSave[] _ShipSavesArray)
name = _name; // later this must come from an input-field
loadoutID = Random.Range(0f, 100000000f);
shipsInTheLoadout = _ShipSavesArray;
public Loadout(string _name)
name = _name;
shipsInTheLoadout = new FM_ShipSave[0];
知道这个 类似:
public class FM_ShipSave
// this class saves ID and position in the array of the ship
public int shipID;
public int tileX;
public int tileZ;
public FM_ShipSave(UnitScript _unit)
shipID = _unit.SO_ofThis.getPositioninAllUnitsArray();
tileX = _unit.getTileX;
tileZ = _unit.getTileZ;
var request = new UpdateUserDataRequest // after what is supposed to happen with the current loadout is determined we upload it to the server
Data = new Dictionary<string, string> // create a new dicitonary
{"Loadouts", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerLoadouts)} // convert the List<Loadout> playerLoadouts into a .json file
PlayFabClientAPI.UpdateUserData(request, onDataSend, OnError); // then send it to the server, to be stored
List<Loadout> playerLoadouts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Loadout>>(_result.Data["Loadouts"].Value); // turn the jsonback into a List<Loadout>
blockquote jsonserializationException:无法找到用于类型加载的构造函数。一个类应具有默认构造函数,一个带有参数的构造函数或标记为jsonconstructor属性的构造函数。路径'[0] .name',第1行,位置9。
public class JsonTest
public string name;
public JsonTest(string _name)
name = _name;
// to test serialization
JsonTest _test = new JsonTest("test");
var request2 = new UpdateUserDataRequest // after what is supposed to happen with the current loadout is determined we upload it to the server
Data = new Dictionary<string, string> // create a new dicitonary
{"test", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_test)} // convert the List<Loadout> playerLoadouts into a .json file
public void testDeserialization(GetUserDataResult _result)
JsonTest _retrievedTest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonTest>(_result.Data["test"].Value); // turn the jsonback into a List<Loadout>
Debug.Log("retrieved test deserialization name: " + _retrievedTest.name);
”在Mac上使用Visual Studio。
I know this quesiton has already come up a lot, but I was looking through the answers and could not really find one that fits me, therefore I am asking you for help:
I have a custom class [Loadout]:
public class Loadout // used to save a players loadout on the server
public string name;
public float loadoutID;
public SO_Admiral admiral;
public FM_ShipSave[] shipsInTheLoadout;
public bool selectedLoadout;
public Loadout(string _name, FM_ShipSave[] _ShipSavesArray)
name = _name; // later this must come from an input-field
loadoutID = Random.Range(0f, 100000000f);
shipsInTheLoadout = _ShipSavesArray;
public Loadout(string _name)
name = _name;
shipsInTheLoadout = new FM_ShipSave[0];
it also includes other custom classes like:
public class FM_ShipSave
// this class saves ID and position in the array of the ship
public int shipID;
public int tileX;
public int tileZ;
public FM_ShipSave(UnitScript _unit)
shipID = _unit.SO_ofThis.getPositioninAllUnitsArray();
tileX = _unit.getTileX;
tileZ = _unit.getTileZ;
that I serialize into a .Json-file to send it to a server and store it there. The serialization part works perfectly:
var request = new UpdateUserDataRequest // after what is supposed to happen with the current loadout is determined we upload it to the server
Data = new Dictionary<string, string> // create a new dicitonary
{"Loadouts", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerLoadouts)} // convert the List<Loadout> playerLoadouts into a .json file
PlayFabClientAPI.UpdateUserData(request, onDataSend, OnError); // then send it to the server, to be stored
Link to picture of Json-editor
but as soon as I try to deserialize it:
List<Loadout> playerLoadouts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Loadout>>(_result.Data["Loadouts"].Value); // turn the jsonback into a List<Loadout>
I am getting the following error:
JsonSerializationException: Unable to find a constructor to use for type Loadout. A class should either have a default constructor, one constructor with arguments or a constructor marked with the JsonConstructor attribute. Path '[0].name', line 1, position 9.
I have also tried it with a different simpler class and there everything works fine:
public class JsonTest
public string name;
public JsonTest(string _name)
name = _name;
// to test serialization
JsonTest _test = new JsonTest("test");
var request2 = new UpdateUserDataRequest // after what is supposed to happen with the current loadout is determined we upload it to the server
Data = new Dictionary<string, string> // create a new dicitonary
{"test", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_test)} // convert the List<Loadout> playerLoadouts into a .json file
public void testDeserialization(GetUserDataResult _result)
JsonTest _retrievedTest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonTest>(_result.Data["test"].Value); // turn the jsonback into a List<Loadout>
Debug.Log("retrieved test deserialization name: " + _retrievedTest.name);
I therefore conclude that it has something to do with my custom classes, but I don't know how to fix it. Should I have to write a custom deserializer? Or is there maybe a different solution?
I was following this tutorial to create and upload json-files:
Link to tutorial on youtube
I am coding for unity on a mac using visual studio.
Thank you for your help.
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The exception message is self explaining. You don't have a default constructor for the class Loadout. So in your Loadout class you need to add
我遇到了同样的错误。对我来说,解决方案是将在播放器设置中更改 low minimal 。
I was getting the same error. The solution for me was changing Managed Stripping Level in Player Settings from Low to Minimal.