Java Jtabbedpane或如何获取创建选项卡的自定义对象
我经常为创建EG GUI组件的自定义对象问题而苦苦挣扎。而且我永远不知道从GUI组件回到对象的最佳方法是什么。
public class MyObject {
int yearOfBirth;
String name;
public MyObject(int yearOfBirth, String name) {
this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth; = name;
public int getYearOfBirth() {
return yearOfBirth;
public Component getPanel() {
Component panel1 = makeTextPanel("This is the personal tab of "+name);
return panell;
public class MyTabControl implements ChangeListener {
JTabbedPane myTabPane = new JTabbedPane();
public MyTabControl(){
//This will add a Listener for clicking on one Tab
public void oneMoreTab(MyObject myObject) {
myTabPane.addTab(, myObject.getPanel())
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) {
System.out.println("Focus of Tab changed");
int actualFocusedTabIndex = myTabPane.getSelectedIndex();
Component acutalFocusedComponent = myTabPane.getComponentAt(actualFocusedTabIndex);
//This works fine, I can get the Tab. Or at least the Component.
//But how do I get the yearOfBirth or better the Object itself?
int yearOfBirthOfTheSelectedTab = ???
这是 只是主函数
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Commands to start and create the GUI
MyTabControl myTabControl = new MyTabControl();
MyObject mother = new MyObject(1960, "Helen");
MyObject father = new MyObject(1955, "James");
public class ComponentWithExtras extends Component {
MyObject myObject;
public void addMyObject(MyObject myObject) {
this.myObject = myObject;
// The following line will create failure: Can't cast Component to ComponentWithExtras
ComponentWithExtras componentWithExtras = (ComponentWithExtras) myObject.getPanel();
myTabPane.addTab(, componentWithExtras);
I am often struggling with the same problem of custom Objects that creates a e.g. gui Component. And I never know what is the best way to get from the gui Component back to the object.
So multiple hacks and tricks are welcome.
Let me explain it to you:
This is my custom Object I need to find afterwards
public class MyObject {
int yearOfBirth;
String name;
public MyObject(int yearOfBirth, String name) {
this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth; = name;
public int getYearOfBirth() {
return yearOfBirth;
public Component getPanel() {
Component panel1 = makeTextPanel("This is the personal tab of "+name);
return panell;
This is where I need to find it through the Tab I am focusing
public class MyTabControl implements ChangeListener {
JTabbedPane myTabPane = new JTabbedPane();
public MyTabControl(){
//This will add a Listener for clicking on one Tab
public void oneMoreTab(MyObject myObject) {
myTabPane.addTab(, myObject.getPanel())
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) {
System.out.println("Focus of Tab changed");
int actualFocusedTabIndex = myTabPane.getSelectedIndex();
Component acutalFocusedComponent = myTabPane.getComponentAt(actualFocusedTabIndex);
//This works fine, I can get the Tab. Or at least the Component.
//But how do I get the yearOfBirth or better the Object itself?
int yearOfBirthOfTheSelectedTab = ???
This is just the main function
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Commands to start and create the GUI
MyTabControl myTabControl = new MyTabControl();
MyObject mother = new MyObject(1960, "Helen");
MyObject father = new MyObject(1955, "James");
1 not working solution: Extend Component class
I have tried to extend the class Component. But this will create a failure (see comment in code):
public class ComponentWithExtras extends Component {
MyObject myObject;
public void addMyObject(MyObject myObject) {
this.myObject = myObject;
// The following line will create failure: Can't cast Component to ComponentWithExtras
ComponentWithExtras componentWithExtras = (ComponentWithExtras) myObject.getPanel();
myTabPane.addTab(, componentWithExtras);
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