无法从postgresql:// pgbouncer获取指标:***@vsaxx:6432/pgbouncer" quot'except; quot; quot; quot“ xxx \&quot”对于连接选项\&quort'port \&quot'
我将Prometheus-PGBOUNCER-EXPORTER部署到Helm Chart到Kubernetes。尽管此命名空间中的PODS正在运行,但POD的日志始终显示此错误消息,该消息未能收集指标,并且这些PGBOUNCER服务器可以在Grafana中显示。
{“ asctime”:“ xxxx”,“ LevelName”:“ error”,“ message”:“无法从postgresql:// pgbouncer:***@localhost:6432/pgbouncer”,“ exception”,“ exception”: “无法连接到服务器:连接拒绝\ n \ tis在主机“ Local -Host”(上运行的服务器,并接受\ n \ ttcp/ip Connections在端口6432上的\ n \ ttcp/ip连接? n \ tis在主机“ localhost”(:: 1)上运行的服务器,并在端口6432上接受\ n \ ttcp/ip连接
{“ asctime”:“ 2022-04-22 08:41:33”,“ LevelName”:“ error”:“ error”,“ message”:“无法从postgresql:// pgbuncer:***@xxxx:xxxx:xxxx: 6432/pgbouncer”,“异常”:“无效整数值” agajp0e7eprce41jwbgvo8“连接选项” for连接选项“ port” port“ \ n”}
I am deploying the prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter to kubernetes by helm chart. Although pods in this namespace is running, the log of pods always show this error message, which failed to collecting metrics and these pgbouncer servers could be shown in grafana.
The original issue:
{"asctime": "xxxx", "levelname": "ERROR", "message": "Unable fetch metrics from postgresql://pgbouncer:***@localhost:6432/pgbouncer", "exception": "could not connect to server: Connection refused\n\tIs the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting\n\tTCP/IP connections on port 6432?\ncould not connect to server: Address not available\n\tIs the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting\n\tTCP/IP connections on port 6432?\n"}
When i try to debug and re-deploy it again, another issue occurs:
{"asctime": "2022-04-22 08:41:33", "levelname": "ERROR", "message": "Unable fetch metrics from postgresql://pgbouncer:***@xxxx:6432/pgbouncer", "exception": "invalid integer value "AgAjp0E7ePrce41jwBgvO8" for connection option "port"\n"}
I'm really new to pgbouncer, helm chart, kubernetes and grafana.
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