是否可以使用Intellij Community版本或仅在最终设置Wildfly Server?
我找到了许多教程,解释了如何使用Intellij Ultimate建立Wildfly,但与社区版本无关。
Is it possible to set up WildFly server with IntelliJ community version or only in ultimate?
I have found many tutorials explaining how to set up WildFly with IntelliJ ultimate but nothing about community version.
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一旦下载并解开野生蝇,要运行Wildfly,您只需要将战争文件添加到Wildfly Home上的 \ standalone \ deployment 中(我使用了爆炸的战争),然后只运行 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ bin \ standalone.bat (或.sh如果您在Linux发行版上)。
如果您想从社区版本进行调试,只需在\ bin \ standalone.conf.bat上删除行:(
仅在开始时删除 rem ),
然后在Intellij上,您只需要跑步 - >附加到进程...然后选择您的Java进程(具有端口8787的过程)。
As markswell said, It's doable. In fact, I found it was easier than expected.
Once you have downloaded and unziped your wildfly, to run the wildfly you just need to add your wars files into \standalone\deployment on wildfly home (I used exploded wars) and then just run \bin\standalone.bat (or .sh if you are on linux distro).
In case you want to debug from your community version, just uncomment on \bin\standalone.conf.bat the line:
(just by removing the rem at the beginnning)
And then, on Intellij you just need to do Run -> Attach to Process... and then select your java process (the one with port 8787).
PD: In case you are changing configs (like adding debug feature) to reload wildfly:
And once you are connected to CLI just type:
这是不可能的,但是我已经为此自动化创建了一个脚本,如果您使用Linux debian/ubuntu发行版,则可以使用:
It's no possible natively, but I have created a script to this automation, if you use a linux debian/ubuntu distro you can use that:
You can open the terminal of intelliJ community and to exacute ./intellij_wildfly_integration.sh then to set debug configuration as example on images, after all change to test you run script again.
It's build and deploy the war file into your wildfly