在过去的几天里,Noob填写Noob捡起Nodejs,我遇到了很大的麻烦。我目前有一个工作节点JS+Express Server实例,该实例在Raspberry Pi上运行,充当本地数据采集脚本(“ DAQ”)的Web界面。执行后,脚本将数据写入PI上的本地文件,以.csv格式,每秒实时写出。
我的节点应用程序是一个简单的Web界面,可以在单击中启动数据采集脚本,并绘制先前获取的数据日志,并实时可视化积极收集的数据。绘制旧日志很简单,我编写了一个JS函数(使用Plotly + D3)通过AJAX调用读取本地CSV文件,然后绘制它 - 使用此脚本作为起点,但使用Express提供的日志而不是外部文件。
- 提高我的第一次尝试方法的效率:绝对需要写入每秒的收购脚本,但是考虑到典型的运行可能持续1-2周,请求的文件大小。每个间隔循环都会迅速开始气球。我是Node/Express的新手,所以我敢肯定,有一种更好的方法可以做到这一点的实时渲染方面 - 这是真正的问题。任何更好的方法的指示都将非常有帮助!
现在,“停止”按钮发出的killdaq()调用杀死了基础的python进程,将数据写出到磁盘。有没有办法可以使用相同的按钮单击以还终止setInterval()循环更新图形?停止数据采集后,无需再对其进行更新,因此单击单击“ Do Doble Duty”将是理想的。我认为设置侦听器或res/req方法是一种选择,但是朝着正确方向的指针非常有用。
window.refreshIntervalId = setInterval(foo);
doctype html
button#start_button(type="button", onclick="makeCallToDAQ()") Start Acquisition
button#stop_button(type="button", onclick="killDAQ()") Stop Acquisition
#myDAQDiv(style='width: 980px; height: 500px;')
JavaScript(start/stop aqeacisition):
function makeCallToDAQ() {
fetch('/start_daq', {
// call to app to start the acquisition script
.then(function(response) {
setInterval(function(){ callPlotly(dateTime.concat('.csv')); }, 5000);
function killDAQ() {
// kills the process
.then(function(response) {
// Use the response sent here
alert('DAQ has stopped!')
function callPlotly(filename) {
var csv_filename = filename;
function makeplot(csv_filename) {
// Read data via AJAX call and grab header names
var headerNames = [];
d3.csv(csv_filename, function(error, data) {
headerNames = d3.keys(data[0]);
processData(data, headerNames)
function processData(allRows, headerNames) {
// Plot data from relevant columns
var plotDiv = document.getElementById("plot");
var traces = [{
x: x,
y: y
Plotly.newPlot('myDAQDiv', traces, plotting_options);
// Start the DAQ
var isDaqRunning = true;
var pythonPID = 0;
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
var process;
app.post('/start_daq', function(req, res) {
isDaqRunning = true;
// Call the python script here.
const process = spawn('python', ['../private/BIC_script.py', arg1, arg2])
pythonPID = process.pid;
process.stdout.on('data', (myData) => {
process.stderr.on('data', (myErr) => {
// If anything gets written to stderr, it'll be in the myErr variable
res.status(200).send(); //.json(result);
// Stop the DAQ
app.get('/stop_daq', function(req, res) {
isDaqRunning = false;
process.on('close', (code, signal) => {
`child process terminated due to receipt of signal ${signal}`);
// Send SIGTERM to process
complete noob picking up NodeJS over the last few days here, and I've gotten myself in big trouble, it looks like. I've currently got a working Node JS+Express server instance, running on a Raspberry Pi, acting as a web interface for a local data acquisition script ("the DAQ"). When executed, the script writes out data to a local file on the Pi, in .csv format, writing out in real-time every second.
My Node app is a simple web interface to start (on-click) the data acquisition script, as well as to plot previously acquired data logs, and visualize the actively being collected data in real time. Plotting of old logs was simple, and I wrote a JS function (using Plotly + d3) to read a local csv file via AJAX call, and plot it - using this script as a starting point, but using the logs served by express rather than an external file.
When I went to translate this into a real-time plot, I started out using the setInterval() method to update the graph periodically, based on other examples. After dealing with a few unwanted recursion issues, and adjusting the interval to a more reasonable setting, I eliminated the memory/traffic issues which were crashing the browser after a minute or two, and things are mostly stable.
However, I need help with one thing primarily:
- Improving the efficiency of my first attempt approach: This acquisition script absolutely needs to be written to file every second, but considering that a typical run might last 1-2 weeks, the file size being requested on every Interval loop will quickly start to balloon. I'm completely new to Node/Express, so I'm sure there's a much better way of doing the real-time rendering aspect of this - that's the real issue here. Any pointers of a better way to go about doing this would be massively helpful!
Right now, the killDAQ() call issued by the "Stop" button kills the underlying python process writing out the data to disk. Is there a way to hook into using that same button click to also terminate the setInterval() loop updating the graph? There's no need for it to be updated any longer after the data acquisition has been stopped so having the single click do double duty would be ideal. I think that setting up a listener or res/req approach would be an option, but pointers in the right direction would be massively helpful.
(Edit: I solved #2, using global window.
variables. It's a hack, but it seems to work:
window.refreshIntervalId = setInterval(foo);
Thanks for much for the help!
html (using Pug as a template engine):
doctype html
button#start_button(type="button", onclick="makeCallToDAQ()") Start Acquisition
button#stop_button(type="button", onclick="killDAQ()") Stop Acquisition
#myDAQDiv(style='width: 980px; height: 500px;')
javascript (start/stop acquisition):
function makeCallToDAQ() {
fetch('/start_daq', {
// call to app to start the acquisition script
.then(function(response) {
setInterval(function(){ callPlotly(dateTime.concat('.csv')); }, 5000);
function killDAQ() {
// kills the process
.then(function(response) {
// Use the response sent here
alert('DAQ has stopped!')
javascript (call to Plotly for plotting):
function callPlotly(filename) {
var csv_filename = filename;
function makeplot(csv_filename) {
// Read data via AJAX call and grab header names
var headerNames = [];
d3.csv(csv_filename, function(error, data) {
headerNames = d3.keys(data[0]);
processData(data, headerNames)
function processData(allRows, headerNames) {
// Plot data from relevant columns
var plotDiv = document.getElementById("plot");
var traces = [{
x: x,
y: y
Plotly.newPlot('myDAQDiv', traces, plotting_options);
node.js (the actual Node app):
// Start the DAQ
var isDaqRunning = true;
var pythonPID = 0;
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
var process;
app.post('/start_daq', function(req, res) {
isDaqRunning = true;
// Call the python script here.
const process = spawn('python', ['../private/BIC_script.py', arg1, arg2])
pythonPID = process.pid;
process.stdout.on('data', (myData) => {
process.stderr.on('data', (myErr) => {
// If anything gets written to stderr, it'll be in the myErr variable
res.status(200).send(); //.json(result);
// Stop the DAQ
app.get('/stop_daq', function(req, res) {
isDaqRunning = false;
process.on('close', (code, signal) => {
`child process terminated due to receipt of signal ${signal}`);
// Send SIGTERM to process
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