我有一个 c#应用程序以Xamarin形式编写,并且有一个称为“风盒”的设备。这是一个常规的烟气陷阱,对于焊接过程中形成的有毒物质所必需。其中有一个冷却器,它受晶体管的调节,晶体管调节ESP。结果,应用程序必须调整冷却器的功率。 我绝对不明白如何链接C#应用程序和ESP8266,以调节所有这些。我对需要写入应用程序的内容更感兴趣,以便它管理ESP8266。 您能推荐有关此主题的任何资源吗?如何链接ESP8266和以Xamarin形式编写的C#应用程序。
I have a C# application written in Xamarin form, and there is a device called a "Wind Box". This is a conventional smoke trap, necessary for filtering toxic substances formed during soldering. There is a cooler in it, it is regulated by a transistor, the transistor regulates the ESP. As a result, the application must adjust the power of the cooler.
I absolutely do not understand how to link a C# application and an ESP8266 that will regulate all this. I am more interested in what needs to be written to the application so that it manages the ESP8266.
Can you recommend any sources on this topic. How to link ESP8266 and a C# application written in xamarin form.
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