我正在尝试在Flutter应用程序中禁用屏幕记录和屏幕截图,并且已经使用了 Flutter_windowmanager package。
I am trying to disable screen record and screenshot in my flutter app and I already did using flutter_windowmanager package.
my problem is with screen recording, the sound of the video inside th app is still running and recorded by screen recording !
any suggestions for also preventing sound record ?
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否。如果您的应用程序播放足够大,麦克风可以听到它,可以录制。没有办法阻止这种算法从这样的音频录制中从一个源中取消声音,即使不是不可能。也不会给您带来那么多的东西 - 他们总是可以将外部麦克风拿到手机上(他们也可以用第二台摄像机捕获您的应用录制的用户)。
No. If your app is playing loud enough the microphone can hear it, it can be recorded. There's no way to prevent that- algorithmically canceling out sound from one source in an audio recording like that would be difficult, if not impossible. Nor would it really buy you all that much- they could always just hold an external mic up to the phone (they can also just capture your app with a second camera, which makes removing video recording also of limited use, if done to prevent a user from recording).
The one thing you could do is claim the mic yourself and not give it up. But that would be annoying to anyone actually using your app. And wouldn't rpevent capture with an external device of course.