- Kubernetes官员Doc说 - 如果在IPVS模式下使用Kube-Proxy,则需要修改cluster-DNS flag进行kubelet,以使用该节点上的Nodelocal DNScache正在听。否则,无需修改-cluster-DNS标志的值,因为NodeLocal DNScace在Kube-DNS服务IP上都倾听。
- 我如何验证DNS请求是否要归因于Nodelocaldns?
I am trying to implement nodeLocalDns on my eks cluster.
I have deployed the master branch of https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/nodelocaldns/
I need help with a few things here
- The kubernetes official doc says that - If using kube-proxy in IPVS mode, --cluster-dns flag to kubelet needs to be modified to use that NodeLocal DNSCache is listening on. Otherwise, there is no need to modify the value of the --cluster-dns flag, since NodeLocal DNSCache listens on both the kube-dns service IP as well as .
How can I find out in EKS ,which mode is my kube-proxy runnning on?
- How can I verify if the DNS requests are going to nodeLocalDns ?
在EKS上启用节点 - local-dns-cache只需运行以下2个命令:
helm repo add deliveryhero https://charts.deliveryhero.io.io/
helm helm升级 - 安装Node-local-dns-cache veliverhero/node-local-dns
达到9984个条目的容量。 Invalid DNS names will be cached for 5 seconds.)(Perma链接源)
它如何工作? (简短答案)
jfm(Just F'n Magic),聪明的骇客和可靠的安装UX(用户体验),这要归功于工程师交付英雄。
它如何以及为什么起作用? (长答案)
更新:如果您需要/想优化核心,则还应打开Coredns自动升级(配置节点比例Autoscaler,其中coredns replicas基于节点计数。 EKS默认值,但您可以使其成为簇的默认值。)
To enable node-local-dns-cache on EKS just run the following 2 commands:
helm repo add deliveryhero https://charts.deliveryhero.io/
helm upgrade --install node-local-dns-cache deliveryhero/node-local-dns
The above automagically accomplishes both installation and configuration:
(Cache Mode: Valid DNS lookups will be cached for 30 seconds, up
to a capacity of 9984 entries. Invalid DNS names will be cached for 5 seconds.)(perma link source)
How does it work? (Short Answer)
JFM (Just F'n Magic), Clever Hacks, and a solid installation UX(user experience) thanks to the engineers at Delivery Hero.
How and why does it work? (Long Answer)
Well, hello there, weary traveler! You say you don't trust solutions powered by computer wizard sourcery that automagically work? Well that's fine, we can go over the science of how it works so you can trust it.
Q2: How can I verify if the DNS requests are going to nodeLocalDns?
A2: Because the implementation details of their solution are based on a clever hack, it's hard to use normal methods to verify Node Local DNS Cache is being used.
The following should be sufficient in terms of verification:
Update: If you need/want to optimize coredns, you should also turn on coredns autoscaling (configure node proportional autoscaler, where coredns replicas scale up based on node count. IDK why this isn't an EKS default, but you can make it a default for your clusters.)