有没有办法为进行不满的变化的滚动条或行号上色吗? (几乎像责备那样的注释,但没有5厘米的工作空间)
The reason that sometimes I don't make a commit until the final version of changes will be ready is that I have lines of my changes highlighted in the IDE.
Is there a way to color a scrollbar or line number where resent changes has been made? (almost like annotate with Blame but without 5cm of workspace)
The case: I made a branch from develop. Cherry-picked some commits and making my changes.
So I have a tiny mark next to the lines that differs from develop and have a list of changed files.
并且您已启用了“突出显示了沟渠中的修改线” |版本控制| 然后确认
If you have your project listed under Preferences | Version Control | Directory Mappings
and you have enabled "Highlight modified lines in gutter" in Preferences | Version Control | Confirmation
Then you should have color indication in a gutter, as mentioned here
安装 git scope
不幸的是,插件此功能在核心Intellij中不可用,并且可能不可用不会在最近的将来。有一个 issue/features request 自2009年以来开放
Install Git Scope plugin
Unfortunately this feature is not available in the core IntelliJ and probably won't be in the nearest future. There is an issue/feature request open since 2009