bokeh没有 Backick_gradient_fill
选项,因此我尝试使用 image> image_url
我尝试制作自己的渐变numpy数组,然后添加它们为 > Image 这是不起作用的,因为图像坐标基本上是在我的情节上硬编码的,但是我的烛台是动态的,并且正在实时加载。
我终于以为我会做一个渐变 div 使用CSS ,将烛台图填充到透明,然后彼此叠加。我尝试使用 GridPlot
, row
为此的MRE与 ,但增加了Div。要运行,只需将此代码放在python文件中,然后运行 bokeh sampledata
要下载示例数据,然后 bokeh serve -show yourfilename.py
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.models import Div
from bokeh.plotting import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.sampledata.stocks import MSFT
from math import pi
df = pd.DataFrame(MSFT)[:50]
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"])
inc = df.close > df.open
dec = df.open > df.close
w = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # half day in ms
TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save"
p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools=TOOLS, width=1000, title="MSFT Candlestick")
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4
p.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3
div = Div(style={"background": "linear-gradient(rgb(40,40,40), rgb(10,10,10))",
"height": "1000px", "width": "1000px"}, sizing_mode="scale_both")
p.segment(df.date, df.high, df.date, df.low, color="black")
p.vbar(df.date[inc], w, df.open[inc], df.close[inc], fill_color="#D5E1DD", line_color="black")
p.vbar(df.date[dec], w, df.open[dec], df.close[dec], fill_color="#F2583E", line_color="black")
curdoc().add_root(gridplot([[p, div]], toolbar_location="left"))
Initial Goal
I have a candlestick plot in Bokeh that is essentially a clone of the MSFT candlesticks example but with my custom data.
All I want is a grey-black gradient background behind that plot.
What I've Tried
Bokeh doesn't have background_gradient_fill
option, so I tried using an image_url
I found online of a gradient, that didn't work because firefox doesn't allow third party image loading. This option sucks anyway because it's slow and relies on some url off google.
I tried making my own gradient numpy array and them adding that as an image
that didn't work because the image coords are basically hard-coded onto my plot, but my candlesticks are dynamic and are being loaded in live.
I finally thought I'd make a Gradient Div
styled using CSS, set the candlestick plot fill to transparent, then overlay on top of each other. I tried doing that using gridplot
, column
, row
and neither really allows you to control the offset of the elements within it from what I've seen. So now I don't really know what to do...
How do I squash the two together?
What I Have Now:
My code currently produces this:
I just want both of these on top of each other basically. How do I do so?
Minimal Repliclable Example:
The MRE for this is the same as the MSFT candlesticks example but with the added div. To run, just place this code in a python file and run bokeh sampledata
to download sample data then bokeh serve --show yourfilename.py
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.models import Div
from bokeh.plotting import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.sampledata.stocks import MSFT
from math import pi
df = pd.DataFrame(MSFT)[:50]
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"])
inc = df.close > df.open
dec = df.open > df.close
w = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # half day in ms
TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save"
p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools=TOOLS, width=1000, title="MSFT Candlestick")
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4
p.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3
div = Div(style={"background": "linear-gradient(rgb(40,40,40), rgb(10,10,10))",
"height": "1000px", "width": "1000px"}, sizing_mode="scale_both")
p.segment(df.date, df.high, df.date, df.low, color="black")
p.vbar(df.date[inc], w, df.open[inc], df.close[inc], fill_color="#D5E1DD", line_color="black")
p.vbar(df.date[dec], w, df.open[dec], df.close[dec], fill_color="#F2583E", line_color="black")
curdoc().add_root(gridplot([[p, div]], toolbar_location="left"))
If you want a gradient background, you can build it manually. You can generate an image based on the values of X and Y axis and than map these values to a Linear Colour Map.
The code above gives the following result: