firbase_admin auth firbase_admin auth and verify_id_token方法的代币使用过早的错误
from firebase_admin import auth
Token used too early, 1650302066 < 1650302067. Check that your computer's clock is set correctly.
我知道基本的Google Auth Apis确实会检查令牌的时间,但是概述在这里应该有一个10秒的时钟偏斜。显然,我的服务器时间停在1秒钟,但是即使这远低于允许的10秒偏斜,运行仍会失败。有办法解决这个问题吗?
Whenever I run
from firebase_admin import auth
It throws the following error:
Token used too early, 1650302066 < 1650302067. Check that your computer's clock is set correctly.
I'm aware that the underlying google auth APIs do check the time of the token, however as outlined here there should be a 10 second clock skew. Apparently, my server time is off by 1 second, however running this still fails even though this is well below the allowed 10 second skew. Is there a way to fix this?
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这就是google.oauth2.id_token.doken.verify_token 将其传递给它,因此使用0的默认值,并且由于您的服务器时钟停止了1秒钟,因此verify_token中的检查失败。
我认为这是Firebase_admin.verify_id_token中的一个错误,也许您可以针对Firebase Admin SDK打开问题,但是除此之外,您只能确保您的时钟是精确的,或者比实际时间更早显示时间
我实际上打开了一个 for for Firebase/firebase-admin-python和github上的问题根据 pull request> ...
This is how the firebase_admin.verify_id_token verifies the token:
and this is the definition of google.oauth2.id_token.verify_token(...)
As you can see, the function verify_token allows to specify a "clock_skew_in_seconds" but the firebase_admin function is not passing it along, thus the the default of 0 is used and since your server clock is off by 1 second, the check in verify_token fails.
I would consider this a bug in firebase_admin.verify_id_token and maybe you can open an issue against the firebase admin SDK, but other than that you can only make sure, your clock is either exact or shows a time EARLIER than the actual time
I actually opened an issue on GitHub for firebase/firebase-admin-Python and created an according pull request since I looked at all the source files already anyway...
If and when the pull request is merged, the server's clock is allowed to be off by up to a minute.
在Windows 11 PC中运行LocalHost时,我遇到了同样的问题。我通过控制面板找到了一个临时解决方案。日期和时间&gt;互联网时间并将同步服务器更改为。如果错误在重新打开我的机器后持续存在,请及时&amp;现在在设置中的时间并在其他设置上按Sync,将其修复,直到关闭机器为止。
I'm having the same problem when running the localhost in my windows 11 PC.I've found a temporary solution by going to Control Panel > Date and Time > Internet Time and changing the synchronization server to If the error persists after re-opening my machine, going to date & time in settings and pressing sync now on additional settings, fixes it until the machine is shut down.
也有类似的问题,通过在验证定义`中添加“ clock_skew_in_seconds = 10”来解决它。
Had similar problem, solved it by adding "clock_skew_in_seconds=10" in validating definition `
I see this still isn't pulled. To fix it for me I did the following so it would retry to validate the token at the correct time.
中的功能和concep_skew_seconds = 0 tocopte> copte_skew_seconds = 60
。这对我来说很好。Go to
and changeclock_skew_seconds=0
. It is working fine for me.