Why are you sending an array at a firstornew? This is basically a string that you are building an array with in the eloquent. Inserting an array will not work. Really the product_id should be a unique so you only need that value in your where.
So it would be something like this...
firstOrNew(['product_id' => $product_id]);
$product_id being the variable of the unique id. Then if you have tons of products to add just loop over the array of product ids and it will either make a new row at your save or update the product when it finds it first.
$ product_id是唯一ID的变量。
Why are you sending an array at a firstornew? This is basically a string that you are building an array with in the eloquent. Inserting an array will not work. Really the product_id should be a unique so you only need that value in your where.
So it would be something like this...
$product_id being the variable of the unique id.
Then if you have tons of products to add just loop over the array of product ids and it will either make a new row at your save or update the product when it finds it first.