Amazon Connect正在使用什么时间戳进行录制文件名?启动时间戳还是断开时间戳?
众所周知,Amazon Connect记录了电话并将录音存储在S3存储桶上,我正在寻找可以用代码在代码中自己制作文件名的时间戳!
有两个时间戳,例如启动时间戳& ContactID_Timestamp_utc
Eg 7BB75057-76AE-4EE7E-4E140-440-44AA1C5954B_20220418T06:44_UTC.WAV。
使用 使用SignedUrl获取S3的文件,但在少数情况下,由于S3上的一个sec的增量存储的文件差异为1秒,而且我无法获得文件表格S3。
例如,我的应用程序创建了文件名是:7BB75057-76AE-4E7E-A140-440-44A5954B_20220418T06:44_UTC.WAV。 -4E7E-A140-44A50CC5954B_20220418T06:45_UTC.WAV。
As we know amazon connect record the calls and store the recordings on S3 bucket, I am looking for what timestamp I can use to make the filename by myself in my code!
There are two timestamps e.g. Initiation timestamp & Disconnect timestamp are being used while creating filenames with contactId_timestamp_UTC
e.g. 7bb75057-76ae-4e7e-a140-44a50cc5954b_20220418T06:44_UTC.wav.
I have used the callStartTime to create these filenames and then get the files from S3 using SignedURL but in few cases there is a difference of 1 sec as file stored with incremental of one sec on S3 and I couldn't get the file form S3.
For example I the filename is been created by my application is: 7bb75057-76ae-4e7e-a140-44a50cc5954b_20220418T06:44_UTC.wav.
but the recording stored on S3 has filename as: 7bb75057-76ae-4e7e-a140-44a50cc5954b_20220418T06:45_UTC.wav.
The last thing can this data (timestamp) is available in contact object? so I can use it.
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Looks like the timestamp for the file name is based on ConnectedToAgentTimestamp which makes sense as the recording doesn't start until the caller is talking to an agent. ConnectedToAgentTimestamp is under AgentInfo in the contact details...