Insert into test1
Select a,b,c||d e from
(Select c.a, d.b, d.c, c.d
(select e.a,e.b, f.c, d.d from
Test2 e, Test 2 f where
e.id = f.id) c ) v
Log errors into test1_err
(‘Batch :’
|| to_char(v.a)
|| to_char(v.b)
|| ‘;’
) Reject Limit Unlimited;
SQL错误:ORA:-00904:“ VA”:Invalid Suntentifier
I came across an error invalid identifier in the error table even though the fields are present in the error table. The below is my test code for your reference. Any update absolutely appreciated.
Insert into test1
Select a,b,c||d e from
(Select c.a, d.b, d.c, c.d
(select e.a,e.b, f.c, d.d from
Test2 e, Test 2 f where
e.id = f.id) c ) v
Log errors into test1_err
(‘Batch :’
|| to_char(v.a)
|| to_char(v.b)
|| ‘;’
) Reject Limit Unlimited;
SQL Error: ORA:-00904: "v.a": invalid indentifier
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假设您使用dbms_errlog软件包创建了表,则放入'()'中的表达式可以包含以下内容,按 doc
/21/sqlrf/insert.html#guid-903f8043-0254-4ee9-acc1-cb8ac0af3423“ rel = “ 可以在错误记录表中从此语句中识别错误。该表达式可以是文字文字,数字文字或一般SQL表达式,例如绑定变量。如果将函数表达式转换为文本文字,也可以使用函数表达式,例如to_char(sysdate)。
Supposing you created the table with the dbms_errlog package, the expression you put in the '()' can contain the following as per the doc:
Specify the value to be used as a statement tag, so that you can identify the errors from this statement in the error logging table. The expression can be either a text literal, a number literal, or a general SQL expression such as a bind variable. You can also use a function expression if you convert it to a text literal — for example, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE).
so you cannot put column values. These are added to the table by the kernel, no need to add them yourself.