我正在与Spotify API合作,我想对['tracks'] [0] [0] [“专辑”] [“ images”] [2] ['url']中的值进行foreach循环
[tracks] => Array
[0] => Array
[album] => Array
[album_type] => album
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/album/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[id] => 6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[height] => 640
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b27387d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 640
[1] => Array
[height] => 300
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e0287d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 300
[2] => Array
[height] => 64
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000485187d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 64
[name] => Carpe Diem
[release_date] => 2020-10-07
[release_date_precision] => day
[total_tracks] => 12
[type] => album
[uri] => spotify:album:6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[1] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[id] => 5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[name] => Omah Lay
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[disc_number] => 1
[duration_ms] => 171764
[explicit] => 1
[external_ids] => Array
[isrc] => USUYG1330802
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/track/5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[id] => 5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[is_local] =>
[is_playable] => 1
[name] => Infinity (feat. Omah Lay)
[popularity] => 73
[preview_url] => https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5159fa17676fc96e32db13b7680f7497d5c2f74d?cid=756f211306ad4c9a934d07c5722790b5
[track_number] => 3
[type] => track
[uri] => spotify:track:5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[1] => Array
[album] => Array
[album_type] => album
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/album/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[id] => 6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[height] => 640
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b27387d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 640
[1] => Array
[height] => 300
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e0287d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 300
[2] => Array
[height] => 64
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000485187d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 64
[name] => Carpe Diem
[release_date] => 2020-10-07
[release_date_precision] => day
[total_tracks] => 12
[type] => album
[uri] => spotify:album:6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[1] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[id] => 68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[name] => Bad Boy Timz
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[disc_number] => 1
[duration_ms] => 194000
[explicit] => 1
[external_ids] => Array
[isrc] => USUYG1330809
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/track/558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
[id] => 558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
[is_local] =>
[is_playable] => 1
[name] => Loading (feat. Bad Boy Timz)
[popularity] => 64
[preview_url] => https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7848a9f9ea879e6b1c6618508354e2559678aa8c?cid=756f211306ad4c9a934d07c5722790b5
[track_number] => 10
[type] => track
[uri] => spotify:track:558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
I'm working with Spotify API and I want to do a foreach loop for only the values in ['tracks'][0]["album"]["images"][2]['url']
How can I go about this?
I tried to do a foreach loop to retrieve value of each key associated inside the multidimensional associative array iterating through each element but can still get it to work.
[tracks] => Array
[0] => Array
[album] => Array
[album_type] => album
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/album/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[id] => 6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[height] => 640
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b27387d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 640
[1] => Array
[height] => 300
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e0287d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 300
[2] => Array
[height] => 64
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000485187d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 64
[name] => Carpe Diem
[release_date] => 2020-10-07
[release_date_precision] => day
[total_tracks] => 12
[type] => album
[uri] => spotify:album:6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[1] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[id] => 5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[name] => Omah Lay
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:5yOvAmpIR7hVxiS6Ls5DPO
[disc_number] => 1
[duration_ms] => 171764
[explicit] => 1
[external_ids] => Array
[isrc] => USUYG1330802
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/track/5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[id] => 5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[is_local] =>
[is_playable] => 1
[name] => Infinity (feat. Omah Lay)
[popularity] => 73
[preview_url] => https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5159fa17676fc96e32db13b7680f7497d5c2f74d?cid=756f211306ad4c9a934d07c5722790b5
[track_number] => 3
[type] => track
[uri] => spotify:track:5DS9LiyEdw2zY8bM6kjjgM
[1] => Array
[album] => Array
[album_type] => album
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/album/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[id] => 6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[height] => 640
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b27387d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 640
[1] => Array
[height] => 300
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e0287d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 300
[2] => Array
[height] => 64
[url] => https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000485187d20b9a27d5e14d74b5cb77
[width] => 64
[name] => Carpe Diem
[release_date] => 2020-10-07
[release_date_precision] => day
[total_tracks] => 12
[type] => album
[uri] => spotify:album:6fG2eFCgUmytQWL6umtsCh
[artists] => Array
[0] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[id] => 4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[name] => Olamide
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:4ovtyvs7j1jSmwhkBGHqSr
[1] => Array
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/artist/68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[id] => 68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[name] => Bad Boy Timz
[type] => artist
[uri] => spotify:artist:68R39izwNAztATrXMOqkJS
[disc_number] => 1
[duration_ms] => 194000
[explicit] => 1
[external_ids] => Array
[isrc] => USUYG1330809
[external_urls] => Array
[spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/track/558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
[href] => https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
[id] => 558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
[is_local] =>
[is_playable] => 1
[name] => Loading (feat. Bad Boy Timz)
[popularity] => 64
[preview_url] => https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7848a9f9ea879e6b1c6618508354e2559678aa8c?cid=756f211306ad4c9a934d07c5722790b5
[track_number] => 10
[type] => track
[uri] => spotify:track:558ULLj8yY2vT8XGtgY0q9
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I would approach it like this:
Results in:
回调函数是仅在“叶子”或数组的最终值上调用的。因此,它将在包含数组的数组的成员上 。直到找到“叶子”直到找到“叶子”。This is conveniently accomplished with
. It doesn't matter at what depth or position yoururl
key/value is, it will be found and iterated. As follows:Note that if you have multiple
keys at different depths/positions, they will all be added in. If you need to target a specific depth/position where multiple identical keys may exist, the solution would be a bit more complicated. In your use case this is not an issue, so I've kept it simple.Also note that
callback function is only called on the "leaves" or the final values of an array. As such, it will not be called on members that are arrays containing arrays. Non-final array members will simply be followed onward until "leaves" are found.