现在,我必须进入代码文件,并逐行替换从“ github.com/username/repo_name”到“ company_mirror.com/username/repo_name”的每个URL,其中company_mirror.com是我们的公司镜像。
系统:Ubuntu 20.04
Due to company policy we cannot access GitHub directly from company network, it has to be done via a company mirror. This is very painful when we need to run codes that needs to download dependencies from GitHub.
Right now I have to go into the code files and replace line by line for every URL from "github.com/username/repo_name" to "company_mirror.com/username/repo_name" where company_mirror.com is our company mirror.
Just wondering is there a way I can change the setting somewhere so that whenever something tries to access github.com it will access company_mirror.com instead? Could this be achieved by adding a few lines in bashrc?
System: Ubuntu 20.04
您应该能够添加一个或多个 对您的配置规则:
中的类似结果:You should be able to add one or more
rules to your configuration:In this example, something like this should work:
And the end result will be something like this in your